A simple offline dictionary for the terminal. Just give it the word you want to look up as an argument. For example:
$ tdict circular
Noun | an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution
Adjective | describing a circle; moving in a circle
SYNONYMS: Broadsheet, Rotary, Handbill, Bill, Flyer
ANTONYMS: square
$ tdict wanton
Verb | behave extremely cruelly and brutally
Noun | lewd or lascivious woman
Verb | indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life
Verb | spend wastefully
Verb | engage in amorous play
SYNONYMS: Loose, Motiveless, Easy, Trifle, Trifle away
The program expects the definition files from here to be in /usr/local/share/tdict/
The directory should look like this:
$ ls /usr/share/tdict/
DA.json DD.json DG.json DJ.json DM.json DP.json DS.json DV.json DY.json
DB.json DE.json DH.json DK.json DN.json DQ.json DT.json DW.json DZ.json
DC.json DF.json DI.json DL.json DO.json DR.json DU.json DX.json