A movie catalogue Android app using TMDB API. Built with MVVM architecture pattern, and Repository + Singleton design pattern. Written in Kotlin.
- Anko Commons (intent, dialog, and snackbar DSL)
- Android Architecture Components (UI component lifecycle and handling data persistence)
- ElasticView (flexable view)
- Glide (fetching image from url)
- Kotlin Coroutines (asynchronous operation)
- Lottie (loading animation)
- Retrofit (fetching API data)
- Room (local database)
- RoundedImageView (rounded imageview)
- JUnit 4 (unit testing)
- Androidx Test (test utilities for androidx)
- Kotlinx Coroutines Test (test utilities for kotlinx.coroutines)
- Mockito (mocking framework)
- Espresso (instrumental testing)
Please add your TMDB API key in gradle.properties. If you don't have the key, create it at TMDB API. Example: