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cqt-rs (Constant-Q Transform)

This library provides an implementation of the Constant-Q Transform (CQT) for time-frequency analysis of audio signals. The CQT is a method for analyzing a signal in the time-frequency domain, where the frequency resolution is logarithmic. This library provides the necessary functions to compute a CQT filterbank and apply it to an input audio signal.


  • Customizable CQT parameters, including:
    • Minimum and maximum frequencies
    • Number of bins
    • Sampling rate
    • Window length
  • Custom error handling for invalid parameters and FFT computation errors
  • Parallelization for performance optimization


  1. Import the library:
cqt-rs = "0.1.0"
use cqt_rs::{CQTParams, Cqt};
  1. Create a CQTParams instance with the desired parameters:
let cqt_params = CQTParams::new(
    30.0, // Min frequency
    4000.0, // Max frequency
    12, // Number of bins
    44000.0, // Sampling rate
    4096.0 // Window length
).expect("Error creating CQTParams");
  1. Create a Cqt instance using the CQTParams:
let cqt = Cqt::new(cqt_params);
  1. Process an input audio signal using the Cqt instance:
let input_signal: Vec<f32> = vec![...]; // Your input audio signal
let hop_size = 512;
let cqt_features = cqt.process(&input_signal, hop_size).expect("Error computing CQT features");

Error Handling

The functions CQTParams::new and Cqt::process return Result types, which can be used to handle errors related to invalid parameters, FFT computation errors, or other issues:

match CQTParams::new(...) {
    Ok(cqt_params) => {
        // Use the CQTParams
    Err(error) => {
        println!("Error creating CQTParams: {:?}", error);
        // or handle the error in your way
match cqt.process(&input_signal, hop_size) {
    Ok(cqt_features) => {
        // Use the CQT features
    Err(error) => {
        println!("Error computing CQT features: {:?}", error);
        // or handle the error in your way


This library uses the following crates:

  • ndarray for efficient array computations
  • rustfft for FFT computation
  • hann-rs crate for Hann window computation


This implementation of the CQT is optimized for performance using parallelization with the rayon crate. The performance will depend on the input signal size, the chosen parameters, and your hardware.

Benchmarks of APPROXIMATE results

Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
get_calculated_base_freq_ratio 14 BO 11.001 (ns) 11.059 (ns) 11.140 (ns)
get_calculated_base_freq_ratio (Cached) 12 BO 11.080 (ns) 11.104 (ns) 11.131 (ns)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
get_calculated_phase_factors 2000 WL, 22000 SR 2.2373 (µs) 2.2450 ns (µs) 2.2562 (µs)
get_calculated_phase_factors 4000 WL, 44000 SR 4.4032 (µs) 4.4288 (µs) 4.4652 (µs)
get_calculated_phase_factors (Cached) 2048 WL, 22050 SR 185.29 (ns) 186.16 (ns) 187.03 (ns)
get_calculated_phase_factors (Cached) 4096 WL, 44100 SR 381.80 (ns) 385.20 (ns) 389.52 (ns)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
calculate_norm 2000 HW 612.50 (ns) 614.34 (ns) 616.49 (ns)
calculate_norm 4000 HW 1.1675 (µs) 1.1743 (µs) 1.1857 (µs)
calculate_norm (Cached) 4096 HW 12.245 (ns) 12.298 (ns) 12.356 (ns)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
get_calculated_q_factor 14 BO 10.727 (ns) 10.752 (ns) 10.782 (ns)
get_calculated_q_factor (Cached) 12 BO 12.054 (ns) 12.104 (ns) 12.168 (ns)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
create_complex_hann_window 22000 SR, 2000 WL 35.336 (µs) 35.913 (µs) 36.579 (µs)
create_complex_hann_window 44000 SR, 4000 WL 43.626 (µs) 44.265 (µs) 44.999 (µs)
create_complex_hann_window (Cached) 22050 SR, 2048 WL 35.964 (µs) 36.381 (µs) 36.845 (µs)
create_complex_hann_window (Cached) 44100 SR, 4096 WL 43.111 (µs) 43.552 (µs) 44.017 (µs)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
compute_cqt_filterbank 22000 SR, 2000 WL 1.3798 (ms) 1.4057 (ms) 1.4354 (ms)
compute_cqt_filterbank 44000 SR, 4000 WL 2.5221 (ms) 2.5737 (ms) 2.6335 (ms)
compute_cqt_filterbank (Cached) 22050 SR, 2048 WL 1.3117 (ms) 1.3387 (ms) 1.3686 (ms)
compute_cqt_filterbank (Cached) 44100 SR, 4096 WL 2.6103 (ms) 2.6785 (ms) 2.7535 (ms)
Metric Size Minimum Time Average Time Maximum Time
cqt.process 22000 SR, 2000 WL 12.798 (ms) 13.037 (ms) 13.308 (ms)
cqt.process 44000 SR, 4000 WL 47.653 (ms) 48.368 (ms) 49.191 (ms)
cqt.process (Cached) 22050 SR, 2048 WL 12.934 (ms) 13.133 (ms) 13.350 (ms)
cqt.process (Cached) 44100 SR, 4096 WL 45.214 (ms) 45.842 (ms) 46.548 (ms)


Blazingly fast Rust Constant-Q Transform







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