A user-friendly sync solution app for Beanworks AP Automation Solutions, that imports business accounting data such as (invoices,accounts etc) from Xero ERP Cloud using React, GraphQL, Apollo Client, NodeJS and MongoDB.
Having considered the requirements described in the Beanwork project brief, emphasis was laid on the following key factors:
Seamless Connectivity - The sync solution would be developed to connect with the appropriate application type that was listed by Xero. In this case the private app option was the choice made. This meant that apps created on the Xero platform as ‘Private apps’ would only connect to one or two company records on Xero and the resulting credentials (ie- secret key, pem file) can be stored in the Beanworks server. The benefit to the solution is that the beanworks sync solution could make requests to the Xero API without restrictions which accounts for the smooth synchronization of accounting data.
Database – The choice to adopt a NoSQL database over SQL databases for this project was informed by the need to ensure :
Faster read/write operations
Adding search indexes on specific fields to enhance overall system performance by 5%
The Schemaless nature of NoSQL databases would prevent data redundancy and promote expansive storage of data in a way that suites the nature of the application
Unit Tests - Unit tests (App.test.js) to ensure the component loads without crashing
Integration Testing - This test was unfortunately not completed and checked in due to time constraints. The motive here is to ensure the react app was adequately using the React appollo interface to send graphQL queries without throwing errors. This is to ensure the client app was communicating effectively with teh grapghQL server that was layered on Express server.
The choice of language stack for this project was React, NodeJS , MongoDB. This implies that JavaScript remains the single language used throughout the stack for this project. GraphQL which is the major requirement for this project is used to facilitate API requests.
- React – The frontend library for the application
- React Apollo - It allows you to fetch data from your GraphQL server and use it in building complex and reactive UIs using the React framework
- Bootstrap – The UI library for this task
- API – The backend language chosen for this task is – NodeJS . It comes with its own Graph QL module that would be used to process API request coming from the client.
- MongoDB – the database of choice for this task.
The backend logc applied to the way data is pulled via Xero API into the the app saved into the database is shown in the system design diagrams
When testing the application Xero ERP cloud will prompt you to sign in to the account. The login details are shown here:
- email - qwerty7ng@yahoo.com
- password payasu1978
The folder structure after cloning is as shown
The gitignore file is set to checkout env file. However for the purpose o this project a copy to be used in production has been manually added for deployment
- Navigate to client repository by running the command cd client
- Run the command sudo rm -rf .git (Notice the dot before git as it is important)
- Run the command ls -a and make sure that the .git repository (hidden) is deleted inside the /client repository
- Navigate back to the root repository
This has already been done. The conenction credentials have been set in the .env file for production
- First create a Heroku Account
- Read Heroku's documentation thoroughly. Check it out here [https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs#set-up]
- Setup Heroku CLI as instructed in the above link
- Open server.js in the server and change the port configuration as follows:
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
Open package.json in the server folder and add the following configuration to the existing ones
"start": "node server.js", "heroku-postbuild": "cd client && npm install && npm run build"
"engines": {
"node": "^10.3.0",
"npm": "^6.8.0"
- Go back to the client folder of your application from command prompt and type following: npm run build (under client folder)
- Whenever we make changes in the code, we run npm run build in the root directory
Go to App/server from cmd and type following: heroku login
If you're configurating git for the first time, run the command git init
Go back to server folder
- Run heroku create
git remote -v (to check heroku source)
Run these commands everytime you make changes to your code
- git add .
- git commit -m "Initial Commit"
- git push heroku master
The app will be now deployed and and URL will be provided by Heroku