ˌuːblɪˈɛt - a dungeon with an opening only at the top
Project work for lecture Programming I
Must be developed with JavaScript, no HTML/CSS or Browser
Node.js as interpreter
The application must run stable and be able to cope with exceptionary situations (invalid input, missing files, ..)
Reasonable and intuitive user experience
Code should be readable and well-structured, with comments for non-trivial code or other relevant places
Large frameworks (gaming, web frameworks, ..) must not be used
Simple libraries (e.g. readline-sync, lodash, node-localstorage) are allowed, more complex libraries are to be approved by @behrends
- TUI libraries, such as some ncurses binding or blessed have been approved for this specific project
- Dungeon generation libraries, such as dungeon-generator or Dungeonizer.js have been approved for this specific project
- TypeScript is allowed
Rouge-like game with monospace ASCII / UTF-8 art interface
- Procedurally generated maps / dungeons ☑
- Research algorithms and test JS implementations ☑
- Random distribution of monsters ☑ and items ☑
- Track player status (health points ☑, experience ☑, character name ☑)
- Procedurally generated maps / dungeons ☑
Controlled with keyboard ☑
- Arrow keys, WASD ☑
Split-screen with player and game status ☑
- Map exploration ☑
- Good monster pathfinding ☑
- Uses Dijkstra map, a simplified algorithm where all edges have identical weight
- Pathfinding is executed on a separate worker thread ☑
- Battle system player <-> monster ☑
- Research different damage / health parameters
- Item callbacks can effect basically all game state objects ☑
- Help screen / signs and symbols explanation for improved UX ☑
- Level and character progression ☑
- Different weapons / attack strengths ☑
- Dagger, Sword (permanent) and attack potion (temporary)
Not yet implemented:
Difficulty selection
- Hard, Medium, Easy - with different game balancing
Event logs
Saving of application state / game player progress
- -> Save level map but keep permadeath?
Research of UX with different algorithm parameters (map generation, distribution rules)
Easter egg / achievements?