This an unofficial handler for Strava API. Methods for getting, creating and filtering activities are incorporated in API class, other endpoints can be called manually.
It uses a library for handling REST API request - rest-api-handler. It is based on browser fetch feature so it needs polyfill.
Install npm library:
npm install strava-api-handler --save
Include fetch polyfill. I recommend cross-fetch:
import 'cross-fetch/polyfill';
You need to use oAuth. First get login url and then autentize through the code.
const { Api, ApiScope } = require('./../dist');
(async () => {
const api = new Api('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET');
// generate login link
console.log(api.getLoginUrl('', [ApiScope.READ_ALL]));
// use it and get code
const token = await api.requestToken({ code: 'AUTH_CODE', grant_type: 'authorization_code' });
// this is token
// later
// save it and use later
To get single activity use getActivity method:
const activity = await api.getActivity(775131509);
Search for activities:
const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
const activities = await api.getActivities({
after: DateTime.fromObject({
year: 2018,
month: 3,
day: 1,
per_page: 2,