Tool to help to create a parser with php. Originally built to parse FQL queries but might be used for anything else.
use Face\Parser\RegexpLexer as Lexer;
use Face\Parser\TokenNavigation;
$lexer = new Lexer();
"function" => "T_FUNCTION",
"class" => "T_CLASS",
"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" => "T_IDENTIFIER",
"\\{" => "T_L_BRACKET",
"\\}" => "T_R_BRACKET",
"\\(" => "T_L_PARENTHESIS",
"\\)" => "T_R_PARENTHESIS",
";" => "T_SEMICOLON",
"\\s+" => "T_WHITESPACE"
$string = 'class foo{
function bar(){}
$tokenArray = $lexer->tokenize($string);
$tokens = new TokenNavigation($tokenArray);
// Check if the first token is a "class" keyword or throws an exception
$className = $tokens->current()->getTokenValue();
// while next token is a function keyword
while($tokens->hasNext() && $tokens->look(1)->is("T_FUNCTION")){
// Parse the function body