Project for ramp up a VM running Liferay from scratch using Puppet and Vagrant.
Disclaimer: This setup is not prepared/tuned for production environments and its usage for that propose is not recommended.
- Open file "/manifests/default.pp"
- Adjust the initial parameters for your case (top of the file)
- Go to the terminal and execute "vagrant up" on the project root directory
Master branch is using Liferay 7.1. If you need Liferay 6.2 or 7.0 versions, please have a look on liferay-6.2.x or liferay-7.0.x branches.
- Open file "/manifests/default.pp"
- Copy the Liferay distribution archive to "/modules/liferay/files"
- Adjust the initial parameters for your case (top of the file)
- Uncomment Liferay archive specific parameters and ensure that they are aligned with your case
- Go to the terminal and execute "vagrant up" on the project root directory
- OS: Ubuntu - Official Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) builds
- By default Vagrant will try to compute the best resources configuration for you machine
- If that is not possible (Windows machines), it will apply the following configuration:
- CPU: 4
- RAM: 4096 (can be set to 3072 for single instance usage)
- Changes can be done adjusting vb.memory and vb.cpus parameters in Vagrantfile
- www
- liferay (www)
- NTP Module
- Timezone Module (default to "Europe/Dublin")
- Version: OracleJDK 8 (default) or OpenJDK 8
- Java Module
- Remote jmx configured on ports 9090 and 9091 with credential controlRole:liferay
- MySQL Module (Default)
- PostgreSQL Module
- liferay user
- lportal database
- Accessed only through localhost interface
- Default usage will download Liferay 7.1 CE GA1 - bundled with Tomcat (9.0.6)
- Configured to access lportal database
- Configured to use <VAGRANT_SHARED_FOLDER>/liferay/deploy for deployments
- <VAGRANT_SHARED_FOLDER>/liferay/ available for configurations
- Configures tomcat as an unix service
- Use default port 8080 for http
- Development mode (optional)
- Will import file
- By default, none is used
- Apache 2.4
- Configured with http proxy from port 80 to 8080
- Uses mod-jk
- Not configured to serve static content
- Configured with compression (mod_deflate)
- NginX
- Configured with http proxy from port 80 to 8080
- Using HTTP instead of AJP
- Not configured to serve static content
- Configures Liferay to use Mailcatcher as dummy email server
- Web interface available to see all sent emails
There is a known issue with Mailcatcher related to Ruby 1.9 and Mailcatcher dependencies.
As a workaround, it will give a Vagrant/puppet error during the VM creation but it will work.
Please ensure that mailcatcher service is up and running. If not, please start the service manually "sudo service mailcatcher start".
- Will install and configure the following external services
- ImageMagicK - Improve PDF and Images previews;
- OpenOffice / LibreOffice - Add previews and conversions for OpenDocument/MS Office files;
- Xuggler - Add audio and video previews.
- Optional - Disabled by default
- Firewall Module
- 22 ssh
- 80, 443 http server
- 8080, 8000 tomcat
- 9090, 9091 jmx
- 1080 Mailcatcher web interface (Optional)
- host: 1080, guest: 80 (Http server)
- host: 18080, guest: 8080 (Tomcat - Liferay)
- host: 18000, guest: 8000 (Tomcat debug - Liferay)
- host: 19090, guest: 9090 (jmx)
- host: 19091, guest: 9091 (jmx)
- host: 11080, guest: 1080 (Mailcatcher)
Feedback, contributions and improvements are welcome. Feel free to contact me.
Special thanks to Thiago Moreira for his valuable input to this project at earlier stage.