This project is build on Django / Django Rest Framework
Some reference links if you are new to django / django rest framework:
> docker-compose -f local.yml build
> docker-compose -f local.yml up
if you want to start the local server from the command line,
you will have set up postgres on your machine, with the db settings as per
> pip install -r requirements/local.txt
> ./ migrate
> ./ seed_master_wallets
> ./ runserver
You should then be able to access the API on
> find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf # get rid of nasty pycache files
> docker-compose -f local.yml run django pytest
This should also be available on /v1/docs/
A Postman collection is also included: spendesk.postman_colletion.json
GET /v1/cards/ # list all cards
POST /v1/cards/ # create card
GET /v1/cards/{card_id}/ # get specific card
POST /v1/cards/load/ # load/unload card
PUT /v1/cards/{card_id}/block/ # block card
PUT /v1/cards/{card_id}/unblock/ # unblock card
GET /v1/wallets/ # list all wallets
POST /v1/wallets/ # create wallet
GET /v1/wallets/{wallet_id}/ # get specific wallet
POST /v1/wallets/transfer/ # make transfer between wallets
## DEBUG END POINT to simulate credit of wallets
PUT /v1/wallets/{wallet_id}/credit/ # add 100 bucks to the balance
Each request needs to be accompanied by setting the header properties User-Id and Company-Id. UUID type is expected. If the headers are missing, a 403-Forbidden will be returned.
API permissions are then assessed according to these values set.
For examples, a call to GET /v1/cards/
will only return cards that are linked to the company-id
A call to retrieve a specific wallet or card that is not linked to the company-id provided will also return a 403-Forbidden.
The master wallets are initialised with the company_id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
To list all master wallets make a call to GET v1/cards/
with header property Company-Id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000