A groovy script based common rule engine for java.
Just a toy.Use linear search so the performance is really bad when handling hundreds of rules with thousands of fact.
common rules is just a simple groovy script based rule engine(maybe a wrapper is more proper :>)
As the name common
says, it uses map as fact input and groovy script as rule content to meet common rule engine usage.
It fits the situation that you just want to write some dynamic rules to your DB, load and execute it in you code.
All you need to do is writing groovy
script(or you can just use java syntax, thx for the great compatible) and use map as fact.
just write simple groovy
script as the content of rule.
// use map as fact
final Map<String, Object> fact = new HashMap<>();
fact.put("age", 18);
fact.put("name", "cc");
fact.put("male?", true);
fact.put("favors", Arrays.asList("coding", "sleeping"));
// write a rule
final CommonRule rule1 = CommonRuleFactory
"fact['age'] < 19 && fact['name'] == 'cc' && 'coding' in fact['favors'] && fact['male?'] ")
// then test
assertTrue(CommonRuleEngine.match(rule1, fact));