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This is the source code of the web site.

The website is built with Vue.js using the Nuxt and the Vuetify UI library, all in version 2. The code is originally based on the ModeVue template (available under the MIT license), which has been heavily extended, both visually and in terms of functionality.

Build Setup

You will need a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer with access to the command-line and permission to install new system packages. An active internet connection is required in order to install the following required software:

Using the terminal, navigate to the folder containing the unzipped theme and run the npm install command. This will install all of the required packages and prepare your project for local development and production deployment. Once complete, type npm run dev and press the enter key. Vue CLI will then compile the project and serve a local server located at http://localhost:5050.

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:5050
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server at localhost:3000
$ npm run static
$ npm run static:quick  # drop image optimizations, for speed

(Text adapted from the ModeVue GitHub repo)

More info

For more information, please check out the website!