I'm Faiz Azizan, a seasoned Digital Marketing and Analytics Specialist with over a decade of experience. I hold a Master's degree in Business Management and have a proven track record of leveraging advanced analytics tools to drive substantial revenue growth and optimize marketing strategies.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on enhancing SEO strategies and improving digital marketing analytics for various clients.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning advanced techniques in data visualization and machine learning to further refine my analytical skills.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on innovative digital marketing projects and data-driven business strategies.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with integrating AI-driven analytics into marketing campaigns.
- 💬 Ask me about digital marketing, data analytics, SEO, and how to leverage tools like Python, SQL, and PowerBI for business growth.
- 📫 How to reach me: faiz.azizan@gmail.com, LinkedIn, Twitter
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have successfully managed digital campaigns that have generated six-figure monthly sales with minimal acquisition costs.
- Canva
- Copywriting
- Email Marketing
- Facebook Ads
- Figma Design
- Google Ads
- Instagram Ads
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- YouTube Ads
- GA4 (Google Analytics 4)
- Google Cloud: BigQuery
- Google Tag Manager
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Looker Studio
- Microsoft Excel & PowerBI
- Python
Here are a few projects I’ve been working on recently:
- Terato Tech SEO Optimization: Resolved SEO challenges and achieved first-page Google rankings, significantly reducing customer acquisition costs.
- Celebshare Marketing Analytics: Enhanced data accuracy and designed actionable dashboards for strategic decision-making.
- Syedewa Cosmetics Growth: Achieved $8 million in revenue through optimized omnichannel marketing strategies.
For more, check out my repositories.
I occasionally write about technology and development. Here are some of my recent posts:
- Enhancing SEO with Python: How Python can be used to optimize SEO strategies.
- Data-Driven Marketing Strategies: Leveraging data analytics for more effective marketing.
Read more on my blog.
I have developed a collection of free tools to aid in digital marketing and analytics, which you can find here.