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JData: A general-purpose data storage and interchange format

  • Status of this document: This document is current under development.
  • Copyright: (C) Qianqian Fang (2011, 2015, 2019) <q.fang at>
  • License: Apache License, Version 2.0
  • Version: 0.6 (Draft 1)
  • Abstract:

JData is a general-purpose data interchange format aimed for portability, readability and simplicity. It utilizes the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC4627] and Universal Binary JSON (UBJSON) specifications to store complex hierarchical data in both text and binary formats. In this specification, we define a list of JSON-compatible constructs to store a wide range of data structures, including scalars, arrays, structures, tables, hashes, linked lists, trees and graphs, and support for optional data grouping and metadata for each data element. The generated data files are compatible with JSON/UBJSON specifications and can be readily processed by most existing parsers. Advanced features such as array compression, data links and anchors were supported to greatly enhance portability and scalability of the generated data files.

Table of Content



Data are the digital representations of our world. Generating and processing data are the essential parts of our daily lives, and are at the very foundations of modern sciences, information technologies, businesses, and the interactions between our global societies.

Data take many different forms. Some data can be represented by simple scalars; some others have complex forms with hierarchical structures. An efficient representation of data also strongly depends on the application needs. In some cases, plain text files with white-space separated fields are sufficient; however, for performance-sensitive applications, using binary formats can significantly reduce loading and processing time. The abilities to store and parse complex data structures are particularly important to the scientific communities.

It is a challenging task to encapsulate wide varieties of data forms in a single data interchange format. There have been many previous efforts in designing a general-purpose data storage specification. Some of them have become popular choices in one or multiple categories of applications. Extensible Markup Language (XML), for example, is ubiquitously used as a data-exchange format, but the verbosity of the syntax, moderate complexity for parsing, impeded readability and inefficiency in expressing structured data suggested room for alternative formats. Comma Separated Value (CSV), a rather simple plain-text format, is used among some applications to exchange a tabular data structure (such as a spreadsheet); yet, its inability to encode more complex data forms, lack of flexibility and precision restrict it to specific applications.

Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is a format targeting at the broad needs from the scientific communities. It has an extensible hierarchical data model with a large capacity to represent complex binary data. However, to effectively use HDF requires skillful implementation and in-depth understanding to the underlying data models. For small projects with non-critical performance needs, using an advanced data format such as HDF may requires additional development and maintenance efforts. Similar arguments can be made to the Common Data Format (CDF) or Network Common Data Format (netCDF) that are partly derived from HDF. In addition, the MATLAB mat-file format and Tecplot data format are also used among the research communities. Because of the requirement of propitiatory software or libraries, these formats have also found difficulties to achieve wide-spread use outside of the user communities of the associated software.


The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is a text-based data format that is known for its capability of storing complex data, excellent portability and human-readability. JSON is widely adopted in modern web applications, and is becoming popular among local/native applications. The key advantages of JSON include:

  • simplicity: JSON data are composed by a list of "name":value pairs; such a simple grammar greatly eases the use and parsing of the data file; free JSON-encoders and decoders are widely available for most popular programming languages;
  • human-readability: the text-based nature of JSON and its clean, easy-to-read format make it intuitively readable without in-depth knowledge of the format itself;
  • hierarchical data support: JSON has a tree-like data storage paradigm which has the native capacity to support complex hierarchical data structures; there is no inherent data size limit imposed by the format itself;
  • web-readiness: because JSON can be readily parsed by JavaScript, most JSON-encoded data file can be directly invoked (inline or load from remote site) from a JavaScript based web-application.

JSON also has limitations. JSON's "value" fields are weakly-typed. They only support strings, numbers, and Boolean types, but lack of the fine-granularity to represent various numerical types of different byte-lengths (in C-language, for example, short, int, long int, float, double, long double) and their signs (signed and unsigned). Because JSON is a text-based format, the size of the data file can be significantly larger than a binary format and requires additional conversion when used in an application. This introduces overhead in both storage and processing.

The Universal Binary JSON (UBJSON) is one of the binary counterparts to the JSON format. It specifically addresses the above mentioned limitations, yet, adheres to a simple grammar similar to the text-based JSON. As a trade-off, it loses the "human-readability" to a certain extend. Although the implemented parsers for UBJSON are not as abundant as JSON, due to the simplicity of the format itself, the development cost for implementing a parser for a new programming language is significantly lower than other more complex data formats.

With the ease-of-use, superior portability and parser availability, JSON and UBJSON have the potentials to serve as the main-stream data storage and interchange formats for general needs, especially for storage and interchange scientific data. A combination of JSON and its binary counterpart offers features that are not currently available with the existing data storage schemes. Although they do not provide all the advanced features found in the more sophisticated formats, their greatly simplified encoding and decoding strategies permit efficient data sharing among the general audiences.

JData specification overview

JData is a specification for storing, exchanging and processing general-purpose data that are commonly encountered in information technology (IT) industries and research communities. It has a text/UNICODE format derived from the JSON specification and a binary format derived from the UBJSON specification. JData is designed to represent the commonly used data structures including arrays, structures, trees and graphs. A round-trip conversion is defined between the text and binary versions of JData documents.

The purpose of this document is to define the text and binary JData format specifications. This is achieved through the definition of a semantic layer over the JSON/UBJSON data storage syntax to map various types of complex data structures. Such semantic layer includes

  • a list of dedicated "name" fields, or keywords, that define the containers of various data types that are commonly used in research,
  • a list of dedicated "name" fields and formats to facilitate the grouping and organization of hierarchical data,
  • a list of format properties for the associated "value" field to store the specific metadata of the data points, and, in addition,
  • a set of conversion rules between the text and binary forms.

In the following sections, we will define the basic JData grammar, data models, followed by the keywords for data grouping and various data types, including scalars, N-dimensional arrays, sparse and complex arrays, structures, tables, hashes/associative arrays, trees and graphs. The expressions of these data structures in both text and binary forms are specified and exemplified, and their conversion rules are defined.


Text-based JData Storage Grammar

The text-based JData grammar is identical to the JSON grammar defined in [RFC4627], except that JData also accepts the Concatenated JSON (CJSON), streaming format, defined in the following form:


In CJSON, multiple JSON objects can be included inside a single file or stream, separated by 0 or multiple permitted white spaces, namely

LF (U+000A), CR (U+000D), tab (U+0009), or space (U+0020)

Binary JData Storage Grammar

The binary JData grammar is identical to the UBJSON grammar defined in the UBJSON Specification (Draft 12), with the following three exceptions

  1. JData stores an [N] ("no-op") record as null when saving the data in the text-format,
  2. JData uses IEEE 754 binary form to store +/-Infinity, instead of converting to [Z], and
  3. optimized array container header was extended to support N-dimensional dense arrays:
[[] [$] [type] [#] [[] [$] [nx type] [#] [ndim] [nx ny nz ...] [nx*ny*nz*...*sizeof(type)]


[[] [$] [type] [#] [[] [nx type] [nx] [ny type] [ny] [nz type] [nz] ... []] [nx*ny*nz*...*sizeof(type) ]

where ndim is the number of dimensions, and nx, ny, and nz ... are all non-negative numbers specifying the dimensions of the N-dimensional array, nz/ny/nz/ndim types must be one of the UBJSON integer types (i,U,I,l,L), . The binary data of the N-dimensional array is then serialized in the row-major format (similar to C, C++, Javascript or Python) order.

As a special note, all UBJSON integer types must be stored in the Big-Endian format, according to the specification; the storage to the floating point types (d,D) follows the IEEE 754 specification.

Data Models

Topological models

Topologically, we define different parts of a JData document using the below terminologies

  • leaflet : an element with no child
  • compound leaf, or "leaf": a multi-element data unit completely made of leaflets, or empty
  • branch: a multi-element data unit made of both leaves and leaflets.
  • node: a leaflet, a leaf or a branch
  • composite node: a leaf or a branch
  • root: the top-most node of a JSON object
  • super-root: the top level node in a JData document containing multiple JSON/UBJSON objects in the form of a CJSON
  • named node: a node in the form of "name":{...} or "name":[], in the case of named and index leaves and branches, respectively, or "name":value in the case of a leaflet
  • indexed node: a node in the form of {...} or [], in the case of named and index leaves and branches, respectively, or a single value in the case of a leaflet
  • a structure: a named or index node made of named sub-nodes, represented by {...}, a structure can be empty
  • an array: a named or index node made of indexed sub-nodes, represented by [...], an array can be empty

A leaflet can only take one of the two possible forms: value, referred to as the "index leaflet", and a "name": value pair, referred to as the "named leaflet". Here value should not contain any sub-element.

The topological elements of a JData document - "leaflet", "leaf", "branch", "root" and "super-root" - have specific meanings according to the definitions above.

Semantic models

To efficiently process the represented data, we can semantically annotate the underlying data structure and organize them for fine granularity. The data grouping annotations supported in JData include

  • data record: a "meaningful" datum, either in the form of a simple data point (leaflet) or a complex structure (a composite node); a data record can be a leaflet, a leaf, or a collection of leaflets or leaves.
  • dataset: a set of "logically connected" data records, such as the citation information of a paper
  • data group: a group of "logically connected" datasets
  • auxiliary data: nodes that store "weakly-relevant" or "irrelevant" data to the "primary" data. the auxiliary data can appear at any level in the data annotation hierarchy.

The interpretations to the "meaningful datum", "logically connected data", "primary data" and "weakly-relevant or irrelevant data" are application dependent.

The data group annotations are ranked in the below order, from the highest level to the lowest level:

super-root > root > data group >= dataset >= data record >= leaf > leaflet

for each annotation level, it can only contain elements annotated of the same level or lower levels, but not the upper level annotations. All data annotation objects can be empty, i.e. do not contain any element. An example JData organization schematic is shown below

                    ... other auxiliary data ...
            ... other auxiliary data ...

A data group, dataset or data record can be topologically presented as a branch (including root) or a leaf, but not a leaflet.

Data Annotation Keywords

All JData keywords are case sensitive. Data groups, datasets and data records can contain metadata to include additional information regarding the data themselves, such as name, create date and user-defined headers. However, metadata can also present in any branch or leaf.

Below is a short summary of the JData data annotation/storage keywords to be introduced

  • Data grouping: _DataGroup_, _Dataset_, _DataRecord_
  • N-D Array: _ArrayType_, _ArraySize_, _ArrayIsComplex_, _ArrayIsSparse_,_ArrayData_,_ArrayCompressionMethod_,_ArrayCompressionSize_, _ArrayCompressionEndian_, _ArrayCompressedData_
  • Hash/Map: _MapData_
  • Table: _TableData_
  • Tree: _TreeData_,_TreeNode_,_TreeChildren_
  • Linked List: _ListNode_,_ListNext_,_ListPrior_,_LinkedList_
  • Graph: _GraphData_,_GraphNodes_,_GraphEdges_,_GraphMatrix_
  • Byte-stream: _ByteStream_
  • Inline metadata: "item_name::Property1=value1,Property2=value2,...": ...
  • Metadata record: {"_DataInfo_":{...}}
  • Data links and anchors: _DataLink_, _DataAnchor_

Data Group Keywords

The use of data grouping keywords is not mandatory in a JData document. Nonetheless, properly partitioning and grouping the data based on their semantic relationships and name the components accordingly can greatly enhance the portability and readability of the data, and thus, are strongly recommended.

Data Group

A data group can be stored in the form of a named node, either

"_DataGroup_": { ... }


"_DataGroup_": [ ... ]

A data group annotation can have a name in the below form

"_DataGroup_(a name string): {}


"_DataGroup_(a name string): []

If multiple data groups are stored inside a structure, a unique name string, among the items under the same parent object, must be provided for each data group. For example


When defining one of the elements of an array object as a data group, one must convert that index node into a structure. For example, in the below array

      indexed_node1, indexed_node2, indexed_node3,...

if one needs to define the indexed_node2 into a data group, one must define

          "_DataGroup_(name1)": [index_node2]

where the name "(name1)" is optional.


Similarly, a dataset is specified by

"_Dataset_": { ... }


"_Dataset_": [ ... ]

with an optional name parameter in the following format:

"_Dataset_(a name string)": ...

Data record

Also similarly, a dataset is specified by

"_DataRecord_": { ... }


"_DataRecord_": [ ... ]

with an optional name parameter in the following format:

"_DataRecord_(a name string)"


Metadata records can be associated with a data group, dataset or data record (or any branch or leaf). It is optional. Metadata can have two forms

  • inline metadata: metadata defined as part of the annotation tag string, and
  • metadata node: a metadata structure added as the first element of a node (named or indexed)

The inline metadata is defined by attaching a series of comma-separated property=value strings to the data group keywords (_DataGroup_,_Dataset_,_DataRecord_), separated by two colons, i.e. "::", for example


The property name should not contain space or comma. If comma appears inside the value, it must be escaped using the form "\,".

An inline metadata can be attached to any named node, for example


One or more above permitted white spaces, see above, may be inserted before or after separators "::", "," and "=" without changing the interpretations of the data.

The inline metadata is primarily used to store simple properties. When storage of more complex metadata is needed, a dedicated "metadata node" shall be inserted to the data object as the first child of the annotated object.

For example, if the data to be annotated is a structure, the metadata node is defined by a named leaf with a specific keyword "_DataInfo_". An example can be found below:

    "_DataInfo_": {
       "Property1": "...",
       "Property2": "...",
       "Property3": "...",

If the data to be annotated is an array, the metadata record is an indexed leaf as

       "_DataInfo_": {
         "Property1": "...",
         "Property2": "...",
         "Property3": "...",

The property names are user-defined. Recommended properties include but not limited to the following list


Data Storage Keywords

JData is designed to store wide varieties of data forms. The most common data structures used in the scientific communities include scalars, constants, arrays, structures, tables, associative arrays, trees, and graphs.

Special constants

The following constants are supported by this version of the specification

  • NaN: An NaN defined by the IEEE 754 standard shall be stored as "_NaN_" as a string leaflet in text-based JData; in the binary JData, it should be stored in the IEEE 754 format
  • +/-Inf: A +infinity or -infinity defined by the IEEE 754 standard shall be stored as a string leaflets "+_Inf_" and "-_Inf_", respectively, in the text-based JData ("+" sign can be omitted); in the binary JData, they should be stored in the IEEE 754 format
  • logical true/false: A logical true/false should be represented by the JSON true/false logical values, or [T]/[F] markers in UBJSON
  • Null: a Null (empty) value shall be stored as null in JSON and [Z] in UBJSON

N-Dimensional Array Storage Keywords

An N-dimensional array is serialized using the row-major format (i.e. the fastest index is the right-most index, similar to arrays in C, C++ or Python; in comparison, MATLAB and FORTRAN arrays are column-majored).

A solid (non-sparse) N-dimensional array can be represented in two forms in JData - the direct storage format and the annotated storage format.

Direct storage of N-D arrays

A solid N-D array can be stored directly using JSON/UBJSON nested array constructs. For example, a 1-D row vector shall be stored as


while a 1-D column-vector shall be stored as


in the JSON-formatted JData.

Below is an example of a 2x3x4 3-D array stored in JSON-formatted JData:


The direct storage format of a solid N-D array does not have the ability to store information regarding the type of the original binary data if using the JSON (text-based) format; however, such information can be stored when using the UBJSON format.

Please be aware that the UBJSON format supported by JData includes an extended syntax to facilitate storage and loading of N-D arrays in the binary format. Please refer to the "Grammar" section for details.

Annotated storage of N-D arrays

In the annotated array storage format, one shall use a structure to store an N-D array. This allows one to use additional fields to store additional information regarding the encoded array.

The annotated array format is shown below for a solid 2x3 array a=[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]

       "_ArrayType_": "typename",
       "_ArraySize_": [N1,N2,N3,...],
       "_ArrayData_": [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Here, the array annotation keywords are defined below:

  • "_ArrayType_": (required) a case-insensitive string value to specify the type of the data, see below
  • "_ArraySize_": (required) an integer-valued (see below) 1-D row vector, storing the dimensions of the N-D array
  • "_ArrayData_": (required) a 1-D row vector storing the serialized array values, using the row-major element order

To facilitate the pre-allocation of the buffer for storage of the array in the parser, it is required that the "_ArrayType_" and "_ArraySize_" nodes must appear before "_ArrayData_".

The supported data types are similar to those supported by the UBJSON format, i.e.

  • uint8: unsigned byte (8-bit), [U] in UBJSON
  • int8: signed byte (8-bit), [i] in UBJSON
  • uint16: unsigned short (16-bit), no correspondance in UBJSON, map to [I]
  • int16: signed short (16-bit), [I] in UBJSON
  • uint32: unsigned integer (32-bit), no correspondance in UBJSON, map to [l]
  • int32: signed integer (32-bit), [l] in UBJSON
  • uint64: unsigned long long integer (64-bit), no correspondance in UBJSON, map to [L]
  • int64: signed long long integer (64-bit), [L] in UBJSON
  • single: single-precision floating point (32-bit), [d] in UBJSON
  • double: double-precision floating point (64-bit), [D] in UBJSON

The first 8 data types are considered "integer" types, and the last two types are considered "floating-point" types.

Complex-valued arrays

JData supports the storage of complex values or arrays using only the annotated N-D array storage format. In this case, a named node "_ArrayIsComplex_":true must be added into the structure. In the meantime, "_ArrayData_" shall be defined as a 2-D array by concatenating the serialized real and imaginary parts of the complex array as row vectors, with the real-part as the first row vector, and the imaginary-part in the 2nd row vector. The two row vectors must have the same length.

For example, a complex double-precision 1x3 row vector a=[2+6*i, 4+3.2*i, 1.2+9.7*i] shall be stored as

       "_ArrayType_": "double",
       "_ArraySize_": [1, 3],
       "_ArrayIsComplex_": true,
       "_ArrayData_": [[2, 4, 1.2], [6, 3.2, 9.7]]

The "_ArrayIsComplex_" node must be presented before "_ArrayData_".

Sparse arrays

JData also supports the storage of N-D sparse arrays using the annotated N-D array storage format. In this case, a named node "_ArrayIsSparse_":true must be added into the structure. In the meantime, the "_ArrayData_" shall be defined as a 2-D array by concatenating the N-tuple integer indices (left-most index first, and so on), each as a row vector, followed by the row vector of the serialized non-zero array element values. For an N-D sparse array, each non-zero value requires an N-tuple index to specify its location.

For example, if a 3-D sparse array has the following non-zero element at the specified locations by a triplet (i1, i2, i3):

  a: i1, i2, i3, value
      2   3   1   10.1
      3   1   1   9.0
      3   3   1   8.1
      5   1   2   17
      5   2   2   9.4
      2   2   3   20.5

it shall be stored in the following JSON format

       "_ArrayType_": "double",
       "_ArraySize_": [5, 4, 3],
       "_ArrayIsSparse_": true,
       "_ArrayData_": [[2,3,3,5,5,2], [3,1,3,1,2,2], [1,1,1,2,2,3], [10.1,9.0,8.1,17,9.4,20.5]]

The "_ArrayIsSparse_" node must be presented before "_ArrayData_".

Sparse complex-valued arrays

Using the combination of "_ArrayIsComplex_" and "_ArrayIsSparse_", one can store a complex-valued sparse array using JData. In this case, both "_ArrayIsComplex_":true and "_ArrayIsSparse_":true must be presented in the structure, with "_ArrayData_" ordered by the N-tuple non-zero element indices (left-most index first, and so on), each as a row vector, followed by a row vector for the real-values of the non-zero elements, and lastly the row vector for the imaginary-values of the non-zero elements. All row vectors of "_ArrayData_" must have the same length.

For example, if a 3-D sparse array has the following non-zero complex element at the specified indices (i1, i2, i3)

  a: i1, i2, i3,  complex values
      2   3   1   10.1+19.0*i
      3   1   1   9.0+11*i
      3   3   2   8.1+8.2*i

it shall be stored in the following JSON format

       "_ArrayType_": "double",
       "_ArraySize_": [4, 3, 2],
       "_ArrayIsComplex_": true,
       "_ArrayIsSparse_": true,
       "_ArrayData_": [[2,3,3], [3,1,3], [1,1,2], [10.1,9.0,8.1], [19.0,11,8.2]]

or the corresponding UBJSON equivalents.

Compressed array storage format

JData supports node-based data compression to enhance space-efficiency of the generated files. Compressed data format is only supported in the annotated array storage format.

Four additional nodes are added to the annotated array structure

  • _ArrayCompressionMethod_: (required) a string-valued leaflet to store the compression method, for example, "zlib", "gzip" or "lzma"
  • _ArrayCompressionSize_: (required) the dimensions of the pre-processed array, i.e. the data originally stored in _ArrayData_ in the format specified by "_ArrayType_", before the array binary stream type-casted to byte stream and compression.
  • _ArrayCompressedData_: (required) in addition, the "_ArrayData_" node is replaced by "_ArrayCompressedData_". In the case of JSON-formatted JData files, "_ArrayCompressedData_" has a string value storing the "Base64" encoded compressed byte-stream of the pre-processed array. In the case of UBJSON flavored JData, "_ArrayCompressedData_" directly stores the compressed byte stream of the pre-processed array without "Base64" encoding.

In addition, the following optional parameters may also be used

  • _ArrayCompressionEndian_: (optional) a case-insensitive string, either "little" or "big", indicating the endianness of the byte-stream before compression; if missing, assume to be "little"
  • _ArrayCompressionLevel_: (optional) a numerical value, typically an integer between 0 and 9, specifying the level of the compression (interpretation is method/library-dependent)
  • _ArrayCompressionOptions_: (optional) an array object allowing users to specify additional compression-method specific parameters (interpretation is method/library-dependent)

When a compressed array format is used, "_ArrayCompressionMethod_" and "_ArrayCompressionSize_" must appear before "_ArrayCompressedData_".

Associative arrays or maps

In a map or an associative/hashed array, the element can be accessed using a unique key. For example, the below pseudo code defines a 3-element associative array @a with 3 unique keys

   @a = {'Andy'->21, 'William'->21, 'Om'->22}

Such data structure can be conveniently represented using JSON/UBJSON as

       "Andy":    21,
       "William": 21,
       "Om":      22

To store maps with non-string valued keys, one can use a 2-D array enclosed inside a "_MapData_" construct, for example

   "_MapData_": [
       ["Andy",   21],
       ["Om",     22],
       [120, 30],
       [2.9, 45]

Each element of the _MapData_ array may contain more than 2 elements; the additional elements shall be treated as auxiliary data.


A table data structure is defined by a 2-dimensional grid of data indexed by the table columns (fields) and rows (records). For example

  Name    Age   Degree  Height
  ----  ------- ------  ------
  Andy    21     BS      69.2
  William 21     MS      71.0
  Om      22     BE      67.1

Such data can also be stored in JSON/UBJSON in two forms:

  • Array of structures: the table data can be serialized by grouping records in rows, such as
       {"Name": "Andy",   "Age": 21, "Degree": "BS", "Height": 69.2},
       {"Name": "William","Age": 21, "Degree": "MS", "Height": 71.0},
       {"Name": "Om",     "Age": 22, "Degree": "BE", "Height": 67.1}
  • Structure of arrays: the table data can also be organized in columns, where often contains the same data types. Using the same above example, one can write the following JData form
       "Name":   ["Andy","William","Om"],
       "Age":    [21,21,22],
       "Degree": ["BS","MS","BE"],
       "Height": [69.2,71.0,67.1]

The choice of the forms is user-dependent. Typically, the "structure of arrays" form leads to a smaller file size.

The above JData table can be enclosed inside an optional field "_TableData_(table_name)":{...} (if inside a structure) or {"_TableData_":{...}} (if inside an array) to inform the parser the start of the data structure.


A tree-like data structure can be conveniently represented by JSON/UBJSON formatted files due to the similar underlying structures. In JData, we use two keywords to encapsulate a tree-like data structure.

The tree-node name and the associated data are stored using a named node with a keyword _TreeNode_:

"_TreeNode_(node_name)": node_data

If a tree-node contains children, we use a named array to store the children data:


For example, a tree data structure

     ├──── node1(data1)
     ├──── node2(data2)
     │       ├──── node2.1(data2.1)
     │       └──── node2.2(data2.2)
     └──── node3(data3)

can be represented by the below JSON structure

     "_TreeNode_(root)": data0,
     "_TreeChildren_": [
         {"_TreeNode_(node1)": data1},
             "_TreeNode_(node2)": data2,
             "_TreeChildren_": [
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.1): data2.1},
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.2): data2.2}
         {"_TreeNode_(node3)": data3}

and the corresponding UBJSON equivalents. The notations "data0", "data1" etc are parsed node data in JData format according to the rules defined in this section, depending on the type of the data.

One can add either inline or dedicated metadata record to store additional information about the tree nodes, for example

     "_TreeNode_(root)::NodeID=1,ParentID=0,Path=#root": data0,
     "_TreeChildren_": [
         {"_TreeNode_(node1)::NodeID=2,ParentID=1,Path=#root#node1": data1},
             "_TreeNode_(node2)::NodeID=3,ParentID=1": data2,
             "_TreeChildren_": [
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.1)::NodeID=4,ParentID=3": data2.1},
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.2)::NodeID=5,ParentID=3": data2.2}
         {"_TreeNode_(node3)::NodeID=6,ParentID=1": data3}

Auxiliary data can be inserted to different levels of the above JData tree document as named nodes, as long as the name of the auxiliary node does not conflict with the "_TreeNode_(name)" and "_TreeChildren_" of the same level. Behaviors for parsing the auxiliary data are application dependent.

The above JData tree can be enclosed inside an optional field "_TreeData_(tree_name)":{...} (if inside a structure) or {"_TreeData_":{...}} (if inside an array) to inform the parser the start of the data structure.

Singly and doubly linked lists

Similar to the storage of trees, in JData, we use additional keywords to encapsulate a singly or doubly linked list inside a JSON/UBJSON array construct. The relevant keywords are

"_ListNode_(unique_name)": node_data


"_ListNext_": "unique_name_of_next_node" "_ListPrior_": "unique_name_of_prior_node"

For example, the below linked list


shall be stored as

         "_ListNode_(head)": data0,
         "_ListNext_": "node1"
         "_ListNode_(node1)": data1,
         "_ListNext_": "node2"
         "_ListNode_(node2)": data2,
         "_ListNext_": "node3"
         "_ListNode_(node3)": data3,
         "_ListNext_": null

If a node does not have a next or prior element, the "_LinkNext_" or "_LinkPrior_" value should be set to null.

The name label referred in the "_LinkNext_" or "_LinkPrior_" fields has a scope limited to the current list, i.e. the parent array one-level above the node. Multiple linked lists can share the same names if they are stored in a parallel or nested fashion.

The above linked list can be enclosed inside an optional field "_LinkedList_(list_name)":[...] (if inside a structure) or {"_LinkedList_":[...]} (if inside an array) to inform the parser the start of the data structure.

Directed and undirected graphs

In JData, we use the below keywords to encapsulate a graph data structure

  • "_GraphNodes_": a JData array object to store the serialized node data
  • "_GraphEdges_": a JData array object to store the connections between nodes. Each edge is represented by a 2 or 3-element array ["start node name", "end node name", (optional) edge data].

For example, if we modify the above linked list by adding a directed edge from "node1" to "node3" and from "node3" to "node2", such as the data suggested by this diagram

                    │                          V
                                 ^             │

we can then store this data structure as

              "head":  data0,
              "node1": data1,
              "node2": data2,
              "node3": data3
               ["head",  "node1", edgedata01],
               ["node1", "node2", edgedata12],
               ["node1", "node3", edgedata13],
               ["node2", "node3", edgedata23],
               ["node3", "node2", edgedata32]

The data associated with each edge (edgedata) in this example is optional and can be any JData structure supported in this document. If the edge data is a scalar, it can be interpreted as weights in a weighted graph.

By default, the graph is assumed to be a directed graph. If a user intends to store undirected graph using the above format, one must use "_GraphEdges_(false)" or "_GraphEdges_(0)" to enclose the edge data.

The above graph data can be enclosed inside an optional field "_GraphData_(graph_name)":{...} (if inside a structure) or {"_GraphData_":{...}} (if inside an array) to inform the parser the start of the data structure.

When no data or metadata are associated with the edges, one can also use the graph's adjacency matrix to represent the connections between graph nodes. The adjacency matrix must only have 0 and 1 values, with a 1 at A(i,j) indicating a directed edge from the i-th node in the _GraphNode_ list to the j-th node in that list, and 0 indicating no connection.

For example, the adjacency matrix of the above graph can be written as

           head    node1   node2   node3
  head       0       1       0       0
  node1      0       0       1       1
  node2      0       0       0       1
  node3      0       0       1       0

In this case, instead of using _GraphEdges_, we use _GraphMatrix_ to store the adjacency matrix using the N-D array syntax above. For example, for the same graph, we can write this matrix using direct form

              "head":  data0,
              "node1": data1,
              "node2": data2,
              "node3": data3

Notice that the matrix is serialized in the row-major order in the above example. Alternatively, one can also use the annotated array format to take advantage of the sparsity of the data:

              "head":  data0,
              "node1": data1,
              "node2": data2,
              "node3": data3
             "_ArrayTye_": "uint8",
             "_ArraySize": [4,4],
             "_ArrayIsSparse": true,
             "_ArrayData_": [1,2,2,3,4, 2,3,4,4,2, 1,1,1,1,1]

One can also apply array compression, as explained above, to further reduce the file size

	"_GraphMatrix_": {
		"_ArrayType_": "uint8",
		"_ArraySize_": [4,4],
		"_ArrayCompressionSize_": [1,16],
		"_ArrayCompressionMethod_": "zlib",
		"_ArrayCompressionEndian_": "little",
		"_ArrayCompressedData_": "eJxjYGBgYGQAE0DIyAAAAC0ABg=="

here the "_ArrayCompressedData_" stores the row-major-serialized, byte-typecasted, zlib-compressed and finally base64-encoded adjacency matrix.

In addition, a weighted graph can also be stored using the adjacency matrix by replacing the "1"s in the matrix by the weight value (a numerical scalar).

Generic byte-stream data

A binary byte-stream of arbitrary length can be stored in the text-based JData using the below construct


where the string value "..." shall be the Base64-encoded byte-stream binary data. For example, a string valued byte-stream "JData specification" shall be stored as


In the binary JData, a byte-stream shall be encoded using a similar "name":value pair where the value is reprented by an [H] marker. As specified in the UBJSON Specification (Draft 12), the [H] marker is immediately followed by the length of the byte stream, then followed by the raw binary values of the byte-stream without Base64 encoding. The same example above can be stored as

[U][12][_ByteStream_][H][U][19][JData specification]

The parsing and interpretation of the byte-stream data are application dependent. This is the most generic form of data storage but contains the least data semantic information. One can use this construct as containers to binary files, data segments, or encrypted data or files. In the case of data encryption, additional information related to the encryption and decryption, if needed, shall be stored as the metadata to the "_ByteStream_" object with a format specified in the Metadata section.

Indexing and Accessing JData

A JData-compliant parser should support the below programming interfaces for accessing and processing JData files

  • JD_GetNode(root_node, index_vector, is_compact): returns the JData node pointed by the index vector, reference from the root_node
  • JD_GetName(node): returns the full name string of the specified node
  • JD_GetData(node): returns the value associated with the specified node
  • JD_GetType(node): returns the node type
  • JD_GetLength(node): returns the number of children of the specified node

Index vector

Essentially, JData stores a serialized version of the complex data using collections of sequential or nested nodes, either in the named or indexed form. To access any element (a leaflet, leaf or branch) of the JData document, one should use a vector of indices that points to the specific node.

A JData-compliant parser must be able to retrieve JData elements via the below pseudo-code interface using a linear index vector

   JD_Node item = JD_GetNode(JD_Node root, [i1, i2, i3, i4, ...], is_compact)

where i1 is the index of the data on the top-most level (relative to the root level of the "root" object), i2, is the index along the 2nd level, and so on. Each index is an integer, starting from 1, denoting the order of the data element among the serialized elements of the same level. In order words, if the current level is an array object, the index is the count of the elements before this data element plus 1; if the current level is a structure, the index is the count of the named nodes appearing before this data plus 1. Using the tree data structure above, the linear index of each node is listed below on the right side:

     "_TreeNode_(root)": data0,                     <- [1]
     "_TreeChildren_": [                            <- [2]
         {"_TreeNode_(node1)": data1},              <- [2,1]
         {                                          <- [2,2]
             "_TreeNode_(node2)": data2,            <- [2,2,1]
             "_TreeChildren_": [                    <- [2,2,2]
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.1): data2.1},   <- [2,2,2,1]
                 {"_TreeNode_(node2.2): data2.2}    <- [2,2,2,2]
         {                                          <- [2,3]
             "_TreeNode_(node3)": data3             <- [2,3,1], or [[2,3]]

One can insert zeros to the right-side of the indexing vector if the array storing the vector has a length longer than the depth of the assessed node. In this case, the first 0 scanning from left to right of the indexing vector is considered the termination flag of the index. In other words, index vectors [2,2], [2,2,0] and [2,2,0,0] are equivalent.

The third parameter, is_compact is a boolean flag. If set to true, JD_GetNode shall skip the index if any of the dimensions along the indexing vector is a singlet, i.e. the child count is 1. The compact indexing vector, enclosed by double-square-brackets as [[...]], shall be passed to JD_GetNode as the 2nd input when is_compact is true. Using the above example, both index vectors [[2,3]] and [2,3,1] refer to "_TreeNode_(node3)": data3. Please be aware that the compact indexing vector can not distinguish between row and column vectors, as the column vector in JData has a trailing singlet dimension (see N-D array section).

An optional alternative indexing vector definition allows to replace the index within a structure by a corresponding string, can be the name of the data item or a hashed version. For example, the item {"_TreeNode_(node2.1): data2.1} in the above may also be accessed via ["_TreeChildren_",2,"_TreeChildren_",1]. This alternative indexing scheme is less sensitive to data serialization orders, but requires the parser to handle both string and integer inputs.

Data query

For each JData item identified via an indexing vector, a JData-compliant library must be able retrieve the "name" and "data" properties of the object via the below pseudo-code interface

    string   name=JD_GetName(JDataNode item)
    JD_Node  data=JD_GetData(JDataNode item)

here "name" is a string variable recording the full item name, including the inline metadata if present; "data" is the "value" of the object. When the inquired data object is an element in an array, the returned name must be empty.

A JData-compliant parser should also allow users to retrieve the type and the children count of the node via the below interfaces

    JD_NodeType type = JD_GetType(JD_Node item)

The type must be able to distinguish the below 3 basic types

  1. a leaflet,
  2. a structure,
  3. an array

Combining with the JD_GetName, one can also query if the element is a named one or indexed one.

Additionally, JData-compliant library must provide the below interface to obtain the count of the childrens for each data item. A leaflet, an empty structure or an empty array should return a length of 0.

    integer length   = JD_GetLength(JD_Node item)

Conversions Between JData Files

One can choose either the text or binary format to save the raw data into a JData file, with the former following the JSON storage requirements and the latter following the UBJSON storage requirements. This specification permits both lossless and lossy conversions between the raw data to JSON, raw data to UBJSON, and between JSON and UBJSON files.

  • lossless conversion: the input data are preserved after a save-load round-trip conversion to and from one of the JData formats; type-casting from low precision to high precision types is permitted
  • lossy conversion: the input data may lose precision during the save-load round-trip conversion but the loss of precision shall be limited to the level that is tolerable by the application.

For best practices, use of lossless conversion is highly recommended. Here are some general recommendations to best preserve data precision:

  • Use binary-based JData to retain data type and binary information
  • When using text-based JData, make sure to print sufficient decimals for floating-point numerical data (typically 7 for single-precision and 17 for double-precision values) to retain the full precision
  • When saving numerical arrays to text-based JData, consider using annotated array storage format, either with or without data compression to store binary type information
  • When parsing numerical arrays stored in the direct storage format in text-based JSON, one should consider using double-precision as the read-buffer to avoid truncation of input data and loss of precision.

In addition, if a transformation to the data does not alter the (full or compact) indexing vector to all leaflets in a JData document, it is referred to as an "isometric transform", and is permitted. An example of an isometric transform is the conversion from a structure to an array as shown in the below example:

      "a": {
         "name1": value1,      <- [1,1] or ["a","name1"]
         "name2": value2,      <- [1,2] or ["a","name2"]
         "name3": value3       <- [1,3] or ["a","name3"]
      "b": "value4"            <- [2] or ["b"]


      "a": [
             "name1": value1   <- [[1,1]] or [["a","name1"]]
             "name2": value2   <- [[1,2]] or [["a","name2"]]
             "name3": value3   <- [[1,3]] or [["a","name3"]]
      "b": "value4"            <- [2] or ["b"]

The only permitted "non-isometric transform" is the conversion between a direct N-D array to an annotated N-D array.

Data Referencing and Links

JData files support referencing and internal/external linking via the definitions of data links and anchors.

A link is defined by a named leaflet or leaf as shown in the below two styles

   "link_style1": {
       "_DataLink_": "path"
   "link_style2": {
       "_DataLink_": {
           "URI": "path",
           "Parameters": [...],
           "MaxRecursion": 1

The "path" string specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the referenced JData data document, using a format compliant to the [RFC3986] specification, followed by the indexing vector string to point to a specific element of the referenced document. For example, the below link

      "_DataLink_": "file:///space/test/jdfiles/tree.jdat:[1,2,2]"

asks the parser to read a local file located at "/space/test/jdfiles/tree.jdat" and load the node specified by indexing vector [1,2,2], starting from the root (or super-root if containing CJSON) to replace the "_DataLink_" node in the current document.

If using a "_DataLink_" structure, additional parameters can be specified via user-defined parameters, such as "Parameters" and "MaxRecursion" to fine-tune the linking behavior.

For easy referencing, JData permits the definitions of named anchors inside the "metadata" section for each node using the following format

    "obj::_DataAnchor_=a_unique_anchor_name": ...


   "obj": {
           "_DataAnchor_": "a_unique_anchor_name",

Then, the data object can be referenced as shown in the below example "global_link1"

   "global_link1": {
      "_DataLink_": ""
   "local_link1": {
      "_DataLink_": "#a_unique_anchor_name"
   "local_link2": {
      "_DataLink_": [1,2,2]
   "local_compact_link3": {
      "_DataLink_": [[1,2,2]]

A data link URI starting with "#" refers to the data anchor defined within the same document, such as shown in the "local_link1" example above. Similarly, one can directly use the indexing vector, in the form of an array, in the value field of "_DataLink_" to cite a local node, as shown in the "local_link2" example above. A compact indexing vector (eliminating singlet dimensions) can be represented by a pair of double-square-brackets, i.e. 1-level nested vector, as shown in the "local_compact_link3" example above. The behaviors of other types of data link values are not specified.

Recommended File Specifiers

For the text-based JData file, the recommended file suffix is ".jdat"; for the binary JData file, the recommended file suffix is ".ubjd".

The MIME type for the text-based JData document is "application/jdata-text"; that for the binary JData document is "application/jdata-binary"


The major attractions of JSON and UBJSON are their simplicity and portability, which are often missing from other alternatives. In this document, we aim to extend the ability of JSON/UBJSON in storage and interchange complex data structures without needing to modify the language syntax, making the generated JData files readily usable for most existing JSON/UBJSON encoders and decoders.

Specifically, we defined JSON/UBJSON-based constructs to store N-D arrays, tables, trees, linked lists, and graphs, and added the ability to associate metadata to any elements of the JData document. In addition, we also define a set of core library interfaces to query and access the values and properties of the data units stored in a JData document. To enhance space-efficiency and flexibility, we also introduced array data compression and data linking/referencing mechanisms.

Although JData does not have all the sophisticated features as other advanced binary data exchange formats, such as HDF5, it is well suited for storage of small to medium sized datasets generated in many scientific domains or IT applications. Combined with the excellent availability of parsers and web-friendliness, JData is expected to be easily adopted and extended in the future.