本项目采用django2.2.4版本,因为原项目采用框架版本为django1.8,所以踩了很多坑,特别是django1.x和2.x版本之间的坑,特此记录,希望对各位有所帮助。 同时,该项目包含了实际开发电商项目大部分的功能和知识点,是一个非常不错的django练手项目。
python: 3.5
django: 2.2.4
celery: 4.3.0
django-haystack: 2.8.1
django-redis: 4.10.0
django-tinymce: 2.6.0
itsdangerous: 1.1.0
jieba: 0.39
Pillow: 6.1.0
PyMySQL: 0.9.3
redis: 3.3.7
requests: 2.22.0
Whoosh: 2.7.4
- 用户模块
- 注册
- 登录
- 激活(celery)
- 退出
- 个人中心
- 地址管理
- 商品模块
- 首页(celery)
- 商品详情
- 商品列表
- 搜索功能(haystack+whoosh)
- 购物车模块(redis)
- 增加
- 删除
- 修改
- 查询
- 订单模块
- 确认订单页面
- 订单创建
- 请求支付(支付宝)
- 查询支付结果
- 评论
- Django报错 init() missing 1 required positional argument 'on_delete'
- Django2.0异常:Specifying a namespace in include() without providing an app_name is not supported.
- 天天生鲜 (fields.E210) Cannot use ImageField because Pillow is not installed.
- 天天生鲜 ?: (2_0.W001) Your URL pattern '^' has a route that contains '(?P<', begins with a '^', or ends
- Django2.2报错——AttributeError: ''str'' object has no attribute ''decode''
- django2.x报错No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'
- 天天生鲜 The included URLconf 'dailyfresh.urls' does not appear to have any patterns in it.
- Failed to start fdfs_trackerd.service: Unit fdfs_trackerd.service not found.
- Django出现Error: 111 connect to Connection refused
ImportError: No module named 'mutagen'
ImportError: No module named 'requests'
(venv) $ pip install mutagen
(venv) $ pip install requests