This project show in a convenient way the scholarships code used that students will use to get their scholarship fees.
In this project i'm using yarn as package manager. Make sure if you contribute to this project to use yarn instead of npm. This project is built using:
- Next.js (React) for the frontend and serverless functions
- Chakra UI for the UI
- MySQL Database from Planetscale. You can use any database you want.
- Prisma as an ORM for the database
yarn install
Make sure to create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following variables:
DATABASE_URL=<your database url>
NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL=http://localhost:3000 # or your production url eg:
You can have a ready to use database using Planetscale. You can create a free account here and then copy the database url from the database page.
- If you are using Planetscale, make sure to select the connection for prisma. Otherwise, running the migration may fail.
Run the following command to create the database:
yarn prisma generate
yarn prisma db push
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
The to use to init the database must be stored on the
path src/Repository/data/code_amci.csv
and it's mandatory to be in csv format
with the following 5 columns and no header should be present:
country | matricule | fullName | passport_name | periode_code | scholarship_code |
Union des Comores | 20161136 | MOHAMED FAOUZI FAOUZOUDINE | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113569 |
Union des Comores | 20161141 | HOUZAIMATA IBRAHIM | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113570 |
Union des Comores | 20170952 | MOHAMED NASROUDINE SOULAIMANA | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113612 |
Union des Comores | 20170955 | BEN HALIDI IGRAH SOYABA | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113613 |
Union des Comores | 20170967 | HARIBOU ABDOUL KADER ATTOUMANI | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113614 |
Union des Comores | 20171029 | SEIFILMOULOUK SAID | true passportNumber num | 81680 | 1113618 |
... | ... | ... | true passportNumber num | ... | ... |
In your browser or http client (Insomnia, Postman, Thunder Client, etc), make a GET request to the following url:
- in development:
- in production:
This will add the data to the database. You can start using the app.
Hooray 🎉🎉🎉