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A Matlab class to control external processes asynchronously


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A Matlab class to control external processes asynchronously. Version 19.08. E. Farhi, GPL2.

It can be used to control a process launched from Matlab, or to monitor an other process launched independently. When the process is launched from Matlab, its standard output, and error are collected.


The syntax to launch a process is simply

  pid = process('command arguments ...')

The process class replaces the 'system' command. but is started asynchronously. Matlab does not wait for the end of the process to get back to interactive mode. The stdout and stderr are collected periodically. You can send messages via the stdin channel (for interactive processes).

You can as well monitor an existing external process by connecting to its PID (number)

  pid = process(1234);
  pid = connect(process, 1234);

or by connecting to a running named process:

  pid = connect(process, 'ping');

but you will then not be able to capture the stdout and stderr messages, nor send messages via 'write'.

You can customize the process with e.g. additional arguments such as:

  • process(..., 'TimeOut', value) set a TimeOut (to kill process after)
  • process(..., 'Period', value) set the refresh rate in seconds (10 s).
  • process(..., 'Monitor', 0 or 1) flag to set the process in silent/verbose mode
  • process(..., 'TimerFcn', @fcn) execute periodically on refresh
  • process(..., 'StopFcn', @fcn) execute when the process is killed (stop/exit)
  • process(..., 'EndFcn', @fcn) execute when the process ends by itself
  • process(..., 'reader', 'fast') use a fast reader for stdout/stderr, but less robust (may block, see below)

The TimerFcn, StopFcn and EndFcn can be given as:

  • simple strings, such as 'disp(''OK'')'
  • a function handle with none to 2 arguments. The Callback will then pass as 1st argument the process object, and as 2nd the event in 'kill','timeout','end', or 'refresh'. Example @(p,e)disp([ 'process ' p.Name ': event ' e ])
  • the name of a function which takes none to 2 arguments. Same as above.

When a callback has a non-zero return value, it stops the process.

For instance:

  • to stop a process when a file appears, use: process(..., 'TimerFcn', @(p,e)~isempty(dir('/path/file')) )
  • to stop a process when a file disappears, use: process(..., 'TimerFcn', @(p,e)isempty(dir('/path/file')) )

You can also monitor the process termination with:

addlistener(pid, 'processEnded', @(src,evt)disp('process just end'))

Known events are: processStarted, processEnded, processUpdate.

methods to monitor Processes

  • disp(pid) display full process information.
  • pid display short process information. Same as display(pid).
  • read(pid) get the stdout stream from the process (normal output).
  • error(pid) get the stderr stream from the process (errors).
  • write(pid, 'string') sends the given string to the process.
  • isreal(pid) check if a process is valid/running.
  • refresh(pid) force the pid to be refreshed, i.e check if it is running and get its stdout/stderr.
  • silent(pid) set the process to silent mode (do not print stdout/stderr).
  • verbose(pid) set the process to verbose mode (print stdout/stderr).
  • etime(pid) return the process duration since start.
  • findall(pid) get all running process objects.

methods to control execution

  • waitfor(pid) wait for the process to end normally or on TimeOut.
  • exit(pid) kill the process (stop it). Same as stop(pid)
  • delete(pid) kill the process and delete it from memory.
  • killall(pid) kill all running process objects.
  • atexit(pid, fcn) set a callback to execute at end/stop/kill.
  • period(pid, dt) set the monitoring period (default is 10s)


  pid=process('ping'); silent(pid);
Copyright: Licensed under the GPL2. 
E. Farhi, <>,

Specifying the process reader / Interactive processes

The default stdout/stderr reader is rather slow, but very robust. It is well adapted to most cases, including interactive processes (allowing to use the write method). However, it is slow.

When the external process is not interactive, and produces large amount of output and error messages, you may try the fast reader when launching the process, with:

  pid = process('command arguments ...','reader','fast')

This fast reader is less robust, and may potentially block Matlab when the output messages are not properly terminated with end-of-lines. We recommand to test the applicability of this reader, and check that the process to monitor is compatible.

Class Details

Property Summary

  • Duration How long it took
  • EndFcn Executed when process ends normally.
  • Name The name of the process
  • StopFcn Executed when process is stopped/killed.
  • TimeOut Time [s] after which process is killed if not done.
  • TimerFcn Executed every time the refresh function is used.
  • UserData User area.
  • command The command associated to the process.
  • creationDate Creation date (start).
  • exitValue Exit code, only valid at end of process.
  • info additional information from the system
  • stderr Stores the stderr from the process.
  • stdout Stores the stdout (yes!) from the process.
  • terminationDate End date.

Method Summary

  • addlistener Add listener for event.
  • atexit sets the Exit callback (executed at stop/kill)
  • char convert a process object into char string
  • connect connect to an existing process.
  • copyobj makes a deep copy of initial object
  • delete completely remove the process from memory.
  • disp display Process object (details)
  • display display Process object (from command line)
  • eq== (EQ) Test handle equality.
  • error return the standard error stream (stderr)
  • etime return the process duration since start.
  • exit end/kill a running process and/or return its exit value.
  • findall find all process objects
  • findobj Find objects matching specified conditions.
  • findprop Find property of MATLAB handle object.
  • ge>= (GE) Greater than or equal relation for handles.
  • gt> (GT) Greater than relation for handles.
  • isreal return 1 when the process is running, 0 otherwise. Sealed
  • isvalid Test handle validity.
  • kill stop a running process
  • killall find all process objects
  • le<= (LE) Less than or equal relation for handles.
  • lt< (LT) Less than relation for handles.
  • ne~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles.
  • notify Notify listeners of event.
  • period set/get the monitoring period.
  • read return the standard output stream (stdout)
  • refresh poke a process and update its stdout/stderr.
  • silent set the process to silent mode.
  • start make sure the process monitoring is running
  • stop stop a running process
  • verbose set the process to verbose mode, which displays its stdout.
  • waitfor wait for the process to end normally or on TimeOut.
  • write send a string to the standard input stream (stdin)


A Matlab class to control external processes asynchronously







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