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This repo is part of a series of tools that were integrated into the Basic Dignified Suite. The newer versions are available there. This version is out of date and will no longer be supported here.

This repo now exists for archival purpose only.

MSX Basic Tokenizer


Tokenize ASCII MSX Basic programs.

MSX Basic Tokenizer is now fully integrated with the Badig ecosystem.
It can be automatically called by the build system on MSX Sublime Tools and from MSX Basic Dignified.

How to use <source> [destination] [-do] [-el [0-32]] [-vb <0-5>] [-frb]

Arguments can be passed on the code itself, on MSXBatoken.ini or through the command line with each method having a priority higher than the one before.


  • Source File
    The ASCII file to tokenize.
    arg: <source> ini: file_load =

  • Destination FIle
    The tokenized file.
    arg: [destination] ini: file_save =

    If destination is not given, the file will be saved as source with a .bas extension.
    An error will be given if destination is the same as source.

  • Delete Original:
    Delete the source file after the tokenized version is successfully saved.
    arg: -do ini: delete_original = [true|false]

  • Export List:
    Saves an .mlt list file similar to the ones exported by assemblers with the tokens alongside the ASCII code and some statistics.
    arg: -el [0-32] ini: export_list = [0-32]

    The [0-32] argument refer to the number of bytes shown on the list after the line number.
    The max value is 32. If no number is given the default of 16 will be used. If 0 is given the list will not be exported.

    The format for each line is, eg:

     80da: ee80 7800 44 49 ef 50 49 f2 1f 41 31 41 59 26 53 60 00 00        120 DI=PI-3.1415926536  
    • Bytes 1-2: The MSX Basic memory address of the line.
    • Bytes 3-6: The first four bytes with the next line address and the line number.
    • Bytes 7-...: The tokenized line.
    • The line in ASCII.

    The .mlt file uses the same MSX Sublime Tools syntax highlight as the MSX Basic.

  • Verbose level:
    The amount o information given.
    arg: -vb <0-5> ini: verbose_level = [0-5]

    0 - Silent
    1 - Errors
    2 - Errors + Warnings
    3 - Errors + Warnings + Steps
    4 - Errors + Warnings + Steps + Details
    5 - Errors + Warnings + Steps + Details + Tokenization

    The 'Tokenization' verbose level shows the process byte by byte on each line.

     10 PRINT "WH"  
     20 GOTO 10  

    Will output:

     |10 PRINT "WH"  
     0a00|PRINT "WH"  
     0a0091| "WH"  
     |20 GOTO 10  
     1400|GOTO 10  
     140089| 10  
  • From Build:
    Tells MSX Basic Tokenizer it is running from a build system (or an external program) and adjust some behaviours accordingly.
    arg: -frb


MSX Basic Tokenizer was tested with over 100 random basic programs from magazines and other sources and some programs crated to stress the conversions, however there should be still some (several?) fringe cases not covered.
Be careful.

There are some known discrepancies between MSX Basic Tokenizer and the MSX tokenization, most of them regarding errors on the code. They are:

  • MSX &b (binary notation) tokenizes anything after it as characters except when a tokenized command is reached. The implementation here only looks for 0 and 1, reverting back to the normal parsing when other characters are found.
  • Spaces at the end of a line are removed. The MSX does not remove them if loading from an ASCII file, only if typed on the machine.
  • The MSX seems to split overflowed numbers on branching instructions (preceded by 0e), here it throw an error.
  • Syntax errors generate wildly different results from the ones generated by the MSX.

Some errors on the code stop the conversion. They are:

  • Line number too high, line number out of order, lines not starting with numbers, branching lines too high.
  • Numbers bigger than their explicit type (in some cases they are converted up as per on the MSX.)

openMSX Basic (de)Tokenizer


Uses openMSX to convert a basic program from ASCII to tokenized or vice-versa.

It calls openMSX headless (without screen) and with throttle, mount a path (current = default) as a disk, load a basic file from this path, saves it with the chosen format and closes openMSX.

The path to an installation of openMSX is needed and a machine can be chosen to overwrite the default one. A disk drive extension can also be chosen for machines without one, it will be plugged on the slot A by default but it can force to slot B by putting :SlotB after its name.

Be careful with the folder used as a disk. openMSX respects the MSX disk limitations of size (size of all the files must not be greater than the emulated disk size), file name sizes and characters.
Always work on copies.

MSX Basic Tokenizer is now fully integrated with the Badig ecosystem.
It can be automatically called by the build system on MSX Sublime Tools and from MSX Basic Dignified.

How to use <source> [destination] [-of <t|a>] [-do] [-vb <0-5>] [-frb]

Arguments can be passed on the Python code itself, on openMSXBatoken.ini or through the command line with each method having a priority higher than the one before.

openMSX setup

On openMSXBatoken.ini specify:

  • An alternate machine to overwrite the default one.
    machine_name = (optional)
  • A disk extension for machines without one.
    Plugged on the slot A by default, can force to slot B by putting :SlotB after its name.
    disk_ext_name = (optional)
  • Under [WINPATHS], the path to openMSX.exe on an installation of openMSX if using Windows.
    openmsx_filepath = (required)
  • Under [MACPATHS], the path to on an installation of openMSX if using MacOS.
    openmsx_filepath = (required)

The individual path sections in the .ini file for each of the systems is so if you are like me you can just be working on the same program on a PC and a Mac at the same time.
There are no command line arguments for these.


  • Source File
    The file to convert.
    arg: <source> ini: file_load =

    If a path (absolute) is given, this path will be used to mount the disk on the MSX.
    If only a name is given the current path will be mounted as a disk on the MSX.
    Spaces on files will be replaced with an _ for compatibility with the MSX filesystem.

  • Destination File
    The file to be saved.
    arg: [destination] ini: file_save =

    If a path is given it will be ignored with a warning. The file will always be saved on the previously mounted disk.
    If no name is given the source name will be used with a .bas or .asc extension accordingly.
    If the file already exists an error will be given.
    Spaces on files will be replaced with an _ for compatibility with the MSX filesystem.

  • Output Format
    The format to save.
    arg: -of <t|a> ini: output_format = [t|a]

    t is the default and save the file in the tokenized format. a saves the file in ASCII.
    Tokenized files will receive a .bas extension and ASCII files an .asc one.

  • Delete Original:
    Delete the source file after the converted version is successfully saved.
    arg: -do ini: delete_original = [true|false]

  • Verbose level:
    The amount o information given.
    arg: -vb <0-4> ini: verbose_level = [0-4]

    0 - Silent
    1 - Errors
    2 - Errors + Warnings
    3 - Errors + Warnings + Steps
    4 - Errors + Warnings + Steps + Details

  • From Build:
    Tells openMSX Basic (de)Tokenizer it is running from a build system (or an external program) and adjust some behaviours accordingly.
    arg: -frb

Known bugs

An autoexec.bas on the mounted disk will run automatically, taking control of openMSX and possibly preventing the conversion.
There is a problem passing file names with some special characters, “&” for instance.

Helper Tools

Some tools made to help develop and test the Tokenizer.

Their settings can be changed on the code itself. The variables are easily named and they are commented when needed.

Token Compare

Convert ASCII listings with MSXBatoken and compares them with a conversion from openMSXBatoken (using a "real" MSX).

Token Format Viz

Format a tokenized MSX Basic program to display a line of basic per line of tokens.
Also can interleave another tokenized file to compare them line by line.

Take command line arguments. See code.

Random Numbers

Generate MSX Basic lines with random numbers of several types.
Generate integer, single, double and scientific notation numbers.

Main tokenizers Python 3.8.
Helper tools Python 2.7.
Use with care.


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