This web application was created during the advanced web development (IT-1, Djeroud) course of Efrei Paris (Group composed of Faris CHTATOU, Evan Mounaud, Yoni FELDMAN). The source code is available in main branch.
This web application was also created during the systems, application & services course (ST2SAS, SE-1, Charroux) (Group composed of Faris CHTATOU, Léa BUENDE, Bouthayna ATIK). The source code is available in feat/ST2SAS.
Create a file named .env.development and .env (only if you need docker) at the root of the project which should be completed with the .env.example file here. The application will not work if this step is not done, because the connection to the database will not be established.
First, you'll need node.js and node package manager "yarn" installed : [].
- Our version of node.js : v14.17.6. Make sure to use this version of node to avoid any compatibility issue
- Our version of yarn : v1.22.15.
Our project uses the following technologies :
- The React framework for production Next.js for both front-end and back-end (React + Node.js running on the same server).
- A postgreSQL database.
This option is highly recommanded to avoid any env variable namming error
With docker-compose all you have to do is first create the .env file
ATTENTION Make sure to read and follow the steps correctly in .env.example file.
Once all these steps are done, all you have to do is :
docker-compose up
Install all the dependencies by running the following command :
yarn install
Create a file named .env.development and .env (only if you need docker) at the root of the project which should be completed with the .env.example file here. The application will not work if this step is not done, because the connection to the database will not be established.
ATTENTION: The mailing system works with etheral service ! If you are willing to use another service, you will have to modify the constructor in the file /server/mails/index.js here
this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "", //! For outlook use : ""
port: 587,
//! Uncomment this in order to use Outlouk service
// tls: {
// ciphers: "SSLv3",
// },
auth: {
this.dateOptions = {
weekday: "long",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "2-digit",
Go to the file /server/database.js here and change the following line of code :
On line 18 change false to true like following:
const sync = true
This line of code creates all the tables in database.
Then, run the development server:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Go back to file /server/database.js and switch back to false.
const sync = false
Reload your browser, and that's it, your database is ready !
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!