Haskell driver for SurrealDB. Currently uses SurrealDB's JSON RPC
connection model. The query
procedure has been enhanced to be type-safe. See Using query.
Tested and developed using SurrealDB v1.0.2
SurrealDB currently does not support starting a transaction and commiting or rolling it back on a different query. So keep in mind that to use transactions, you must start and end the transactions within the same query. If SurrealDB ever begins to support this, interesting things could be done with it.
This is the basic effect that provides the driver functionality. The definition includes the main SurrealDB RPC methods plus some extra functionality for dealing with live queries. You can find the definition and docs here.
is a handler that runs the Surreal
effect using RPC connection to the server.
To use this library it is recommended that you place Surreal
effect somewhere in your app's effect stack like this:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Database.Surreal.Examples where
import ClassyPrelude as P
import Control.Exception
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Row
import Data.Row.Aeson ()
import Database.Surreal.Core
import Effectful
import Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic
import Effectful.Error.Dynamic
import Effectful.TH
newtype MyAppState
= MyAppState { someOtherState :: Text }
data MyAppEffect :: Effect where
GetState :: MyAppEffect m MyAppState
LogMessage :: Text -> MyAppEffect m ()
makeEffect ''MyAppEffect
runMyAppEffectIO :: (IOE :> es) => Eff (MyAppEffect : es) a -> Eff es a
runMyAppEffectIO = interpret
(\_ -> \case
GetState -> return $ MyAppState "some dummy state"
LogMessage t -> liftIO $ print t)
type AppEffs = [MyAppEffect, Surreal, Error RPCError, IOE]
runApp :: Eff AppEffs a -> IO a
runApp m = do
eConn <- runEff $ runError $ connectRPC defaultConnectionInfo
case eConn of
Right cs -> do
eR <- runEff $ runError $ runSurrealRPC cs $ runMyAppEffectIO m
case eR of
Right r -> return r
Left a -> handleErr a
Left a -> handleErr a
handleErr (callStack, e) = do
print e
putStrLn $ pack $ prettyCallStack callStack
throw e
Since RPC uses JSON
, we import Data.Aeson
to do the conversions. Data.Row
and Data.Row.Aeson
are from
The row types allow us to have type safe queries.
The main import for the library is Database.Surreal.Core
which provides the necessary bindings.
allows us to connect to
on port 8000
using username root
and password root
on namespace test
and database test
. You will need to change those to fit your needs.
Then you can define your app functions and use them in your main:
simpleQuery1 :: Eff AppEffs (Maybe Value)
simpleQuery1 = select (maybe (P.error "invalid identifier") (Table . TableName) (mkIdentifier "artist"))
The above example is not ideal of-cource, because it is hard to write, returns a Value
which is not very reliable
and does not allow you to filter or restrict the number of the results return, which makes it pretty useless since it
will return the whole table! I only added functions like this because the RPC is there. What I recommend is using the
quasi-quoter with the query
function to get full power of SurrealQL and get a type-safe Query
, which you can
run with query
To use the query
function, you will need to define a query using sql
quasi-quoter. The same query above would be like this:
simpleQuery2 :: Eff AppEffs Value
simpleQuery2 = query () [sql| (SELECT * FROM artist) :: Value; |]
The result of queries is defined by the result of the last expression in the query.
SurrealDB returns a result for each and every expression, but it seems to me that it just adds noise to the results.
So currently the library only returns the last result. This might change in the future if it becomes unavoidable.
So to give the type of the query result, we annotate the last expression with the result we expect.
Note that now the result of the query is Value
, which means it could be Null
JSON value, defined by Aeson
There are multiple ways to fix that if getting a Value
is undesirable:
Several parts of the queries support type annotations:
- selector fields in select expressions:
select name :: Text, company_name :: (Maybe Text) from users
- expressions as a whole:
(select name, company_name from users) :: (Vector MyTypeSyn)
Simple types like Text
or Bool
don't require parens but constructed types like (Maybe Text)
do require them.
Instead of the wildcard selector (*
), we can be explicit about fields and add type annotations to each field:
simpleQuery3 :: Eff AppEffs [Rec ("id" .== RecordID .+ "first_name" .== Text .+ "company_name" .== Maybe Text)]
simpleQuery3 = query () [sql|
SELECT id :: RecordID, first_name :: Text, company_name :: (Maybe Text)
FROM artist;
If we give the fields type annotations, the field names and types will be combined to give us a Rec
This will now give us the type [Rec ("id" .== RecordID .+ "first_name" .== Text .+ "company_name" .== Maybe Text)]
Lets say our artist
table has id
, first_name
, and company_name
. To make things easier for ourself,
we can define a type synonym and use that in our queries and as the result types of the MyApp
type Artist = Rec ("id" .== RecordID .+ "first_name" .== Text .+ "company_name" .== Maybe Text)
simpleQuery4 :: Eff AppEffs (Vector Artist)
simpleQuery4 = query () [sql| (SELECT * FROM artist) :: (Vector Artist); |]
This will make things clean and readable. Note that instead of annotating the fields, we have now annotated the type of the expression as a whole.
Parameters in SurrealQL use $
prefix. Which means the value of $some_param
could be defined
in the query itself or be supplied by SurrealDB or by the user making the query. We use %
to be explicit about the parameters that the query expects from the user since that affects our
type that is returned by the sql
quasi-quoter. For example:
simpleQuery5 :: Eff AppEffs (Vector Artist)
simpleQuery5 = query (#last_name .== "Bekran")
let $my_param = 123;
(SELECT * FROM artist
WHERE last_name = %last_name :: Text && some_other_field = $my_param) :: (Vector Artist);
In the example above, we define $my_param
as a normal SQL param and it does not require a type annotation
to use since it is not supplied from haskell side, but %last_name
is type annotated and prefixed with %
which means it is supposed to be supplied from haskell side and therefore must be present in the input params
of the query
function. The input type of the Query
returned by the sql
quasi-quoter is a Rec
of all
the input params present in the query. The input params must be always type annotated.
To start a live query, you run a live select
expression, which gives you a UUID
(currently in text format)
which you use with registerLiveListener
function to register a listener, which will be called whenever
a notification is received from the server. The type of the handler is LiveResponse -> IO ()
. See below for an example.
To remove a listener and kill the live query, use unregisterLiveListener
with the UUID
you received when running
the select live
testLiveQuery :: Eff AppEffs ()
testLiveQuery = do
let q = [sql|
live select * from artist;
uuid <- query () q
listenMvar <- newEmptyMVar
let handler = putMVar listenMvar
print uuid
registerLiveListener uuid handler
_ <- forever $ do
r <- takeMVar listenMvar
putStrLn $ "received live notification: " <> tshow r
return ()
The Examples.hs file contains many other useful examples.