Proof-of-Concept E-Voting System Built On Hyperledger Fabric
Votechain is a small-scale e-voting system developed in support of my dissertation project for module CSC3095 at Newcastle University titled:
"Investigating Hyperledger Fabric as a platform for Blockchain based E-Voting"
The Blockchain implementation of Votechain utilises Hyperledger Fabrics Hyperledger Composer tool to develop a Business Network Archive (BNA), deployable on the latest HLFv11.
The bna is made up of 3 core components:
- Model File: /models/powlett.luke.votechain.cto Outlining the assets, participants and transactions for the Network
- Transaction File /lib/logic.js The main transaction logic (chaincode) for the network
- Permission File /permissions.acl Participant permission levels for assets/transactions
This bna is deployed onto and instance of HLFv11 and a REST API can be generated to interface with the votechain network.
For more information on Hyperledger Composer, see the Hyperledger Composer tutorial pages.
There are 3 dashboards for the Votechain proof-of-concept:
- Admin: Administration of election (i.e. creating candidates, voters, ballots)
- Voter: Main voter dashboard which could be displayed on dedicated machines at local polling stations
- Bulletin: Public bulletin board of all vote transactions written to the fabric
The web root for these dashboards is at /votechain-web/
Note that the focus of my project is on the backend implementation of a secure E-Voting system on Hyperledger Fabric; the purpose of the dashboards is to demonstrate the blockchain backend and so any security flaws in the front end are outside the main scope of my project