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Fire-Ant 是Ant-Design框架的Angular(4.*)实现的,可用作PC Web应用开发的UI框架。

Fire-Ant 是在参考Ant-Design的源码基础上,采用了更加简洁的实现,此外,在css格式上采用Sass代替了Less。封装后的组件更加灵活方便,使开发人员可以更加专注于业务的实现,可以极大减少前端开发时间。


  • Ant-Design 由阿里巴巴的蚂蚁金服体验技术部出品,提供了丰富、灵活、实用的基础组件,基于React技术实现,对于喜欢Angular的童鞋来说,Fire-Ant无疑是一个值得选择的开发框架。

  • Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScript (JS) and other languages.


  • Genernel
组件 标签 进度
Button 按钮 <ant-button> 已完成 (Done)
Icon 图标 <ant-icon> 已完成 (Done)

Button 按钮:

<ant-button type="primary">Primary</ant-button>

Icon 图标:

<ant-icon type="down"></ant-icon>
  • Layout
组件 标签 进度
Grid 栅格 - Row <ant-row> 已完成 (Done)
Grid 栅格 - Col <ant-col> 已完成 (Done)
Layout 布局 <ant-layout> 已完成 (Done)
Layout 布局 - Header <ant-layout-header> 已完成 (Done)
Layout 布局 - Content <ant-layout-content> 已完成 (Done)
Layout 布局 - Footer <ant-layout-footer> 已完成 (Done)
Layout 布局 - Sider <ant-layout-sider> 已完成 (Done)

Grid 栅格:

    <ant-col [span]="12">col-12</ant-col>
    <ant-col [span]="12">col-12</ant-col>

Layout 布局:

  • Navigation
组件 标签 进度
Affix 固钉 待开发 (Pending)
Breadcrumb 面包屑 <ant-breadcrumb> 已完成 (Done)
BackTop 回到顶部 待开发 (Pending)
Dropdown 下拉菜单 <ant-dropdown-button> 已完成 (Done)
Menu 导航菜单 <ant-menu> 已完成 (Done)
Pagination 分页 <ant-pagination> 已完成 (Done)
Steps 步骤条 <ant-steps> 已完成 (Done)

Breadcrumb 面包屑:

      <ant-breadcrumb-item><a href="">Application Center</a></ant-breadcrumb-item>
      <ant-breadcrumb-item><a href="">Application List</a></ant-breadcrumb-item>
      <ant-breadcrumb-item>An Application</ant-breadcrumb-item>

Dropdown 下拉菜单:

    <ant-button (click)="onButtonClick($event)">Dropdown</ant-button>
    <ant-menu (menuClick)="onMenuClick($event)">
        <ant-menu-item key="1">1st menu item</ant-menu-item>
        <ant-menu-item key="2">2nd memu item</ant-menu-item>
        <ant-menu-item key="3">3d menu item</ant-menu-item>

<a class="dropdown-link" href="javascript:;" dropdown>
    Hover me <ant-icon type="down"></ant-icon>
            <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">1st menu item</a>
            <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">2nd menu item</a>
            <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">3d menu item</a>

Menu 导航菜单:

<ant-submenu key="sub1">
    <div ant-submenu-title>
        <ant-icon type="mail"></ant-icon> Menu One
    <ant-menu-item key="1">Option 1</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="2">Option 2</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="3">Option 3</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="4">Option 4</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-submenu key="sub2">
    <div ant-submenu-title>
        <ant-icon type="appstore"></ant-icon> Menu Two
    <ant-menu-item key="5">Option 5</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="6">Option 6</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-submenu key="sub3">
        <div ant-submenu-title>Submenu</div>
        <ant-menu-item key="7">Option 7</ant-menu-item>
        <ant-menu-item key="8">Option 8</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-submenu key="sub4">
    <div ant-submenu-title>
        <ant-icon type="setting"></ant-icon> Menu Three
    <ant-menu-item key="9">Option 9</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="10">Option 10</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="11">Option 11</ant-menu-item>
    <ant-menu-item key="12">Option 12</ant-menu-item>

Pagination 分页:

<ant-pagination [current]="1" [total]="50" (pageChange)="onPageChange($event)"></ant-pagination>

Steps 步骤条:

<ant-steps [current]="1">
    <ant-step nzTitle="Finished" description="This is a description."></ant-step>
    <ant-step nzTitle="In Progress" description="This is a description."></ant-step>
    <ant-step nzTitle="Waiting" description="This is a description."></ant-step>
  • Data Entry
组件 标签 进度
AutoComplete 自动完成 待开发 (Pending)
Checkbox 多选框 <ant-checkbox> 已完成 (Done)
Cascader 级联选择 <ant-cascader> 已完成 (Done)
DatePicker 日期选择框 <ant-datepicker> 已完成 (Done)
MonthPicker 月份选择框 <ant-monthpicker> 已完成 (Done)
RangePicker 日期段选择框 <ant-rangepicker> 已完成 (Done)
Form 表单 <form> 已完成 (Done)
InputNumber 数字输入框 <ant-number> 已完成 (Done)
Input 输入框 <ant-input> 已完成 (Done)
Mention 提及 待开发 (Pending)
Rate 评分 <ant-rate> 已完成 (Done)
Radio 单选框 <ant-radio> 已完成 (Done)
Switch 开关 <ant-switch> 已完成 (Done)
Slider 滑动输入条 待开发 (Pending)
Select 选择器 <ant-select> 已完成 (Done)
TreeSelect 树选择 待开发 (Pending)
Transfer 穿梭框 待开发 (Pending)
TimePicker 时间选择框 <ant-timepicker> 已完成 (Done)
TimeSelect 时间选择框 <ant-time-select> 已完成 (Done)
Upload 上传 待开发 (Pending)

Checkbox 多选框:

<!-- normal -->
<ant-checkbox value="open" [checked]="true">Checkbox</ant-checkbox>
<!-- the checked state is controlled by ngModel -->
<ant-checkbox value="open" uncheckedValue="off" [(ngModel)]="example1.value">Checkbox</ant-checkbox>
<!-- group -->
<ant-checkbox-group [(ngModel)]="example4.group1" (change)="onChange($event)">
    <ant-checkbox value="Apple">Apple</ant-checkbox>
    <ant-checkbox value="Pear">Pear</ant-checkbox>
    <ant-checkbox value="Orange">Orange</ant-checkbox>

Cascader 级联选择:

    [options]="options" (change)="onChange($event)" (select)="onSelect($event)"
    placeholder="Please select"></ant-cascader>

DatePicker 日期选择框:

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择日期:</label>
    [(ngModel)]="example1.value1" (change)="onChange($event)">

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择时间:</label>
    [showTimePicker]="true" (change)="onChange($event)">

MonthPicker 月份选择框:

    [(ngModel)]="example1.value2" (change)="onChange($event)">

RangePicker 日期段选择框:

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择日期:</label>
    [(ngModel)]="example1.value1" (change)="onRangeChange($event)">

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择时间:</label>
    [(ngModel)]="example1.value1" (change)="onRangeChange($event)">

Form 表单:

<form #form1="ngForm" #fireForm1="faForm" layout="inline" (ngSubmit)="handleSubmit(fireForm1)" novalidate="">
        <ant-input placeholder="Username" name="username"
            [(ngModel)]="example1.username" [required]="true">
            <input-prefix style="font-size: 13px">
                <ant-icon type="user"></ant-icon>
        <ant-input placeholder="Password" name="password" type="password"
            [(ngModel)]="example1.password" [required]="true">
            <input-prefix style="font-size: 13px">
                <ant-icon type="lock"></ant-icon>
        <ant-button type="primary" htmlType="submit" [disabled]="form1.invalid">
public exampleMessages = {
    username: { required: '用户名不能为空' },
    password: { required: '密码不能为空' }

public handleSubmit(form: FormDirective): void {
    if (!form.validate(this.exampleMessages)) {
        console.log('form is invalid...');

InputNumber 数字输入框:

<ant-number [min]="1" [max]="10" (change)="onChange($event)"

Input 输入框:

<ant-input placeholder="Basic usage" [(ngModel)]="example1.value"></ant-input>

<ant-addon style="margin-bottom: 16px">
    <ng-template #before>http://</ng-template>
    <ng-template #after>.com</ng-template>
    <ant-input [(ngModel)]="example2.value1"></ant-input>

<ant-input placeholder="Enter your userName" [(ngModel)]="example5.username">
        <ant-icon type="user"></ant-icon>
        <ant-icon type="close-circle"></ant-icon>

<ant-input type="textarea" [(ngModel)]="example4.value1" placeholder="Autosize height based on content lines" [autosize]="true"></ant-input>

Rate 评分:

<ant-rate [(ngModel)]="example1.value1"></ant-rate>

Radio 单选框:

<!-- normal -->
<ant-radio value="open" [checked]="true">Radio</ant-radio>
<!-- the checked state is controlled by ngModel -->
<ant-radio value="open" uncheckedValue="off" [(ngModel)]="example1.value">Radio</ant-radio>
<!-- group -->
<ant-radio-group [(ngModel)]="example3.group1" (change)="onGroupChange($event)">
    <ant-radio value="1">A</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="2">B</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="3">C</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="4">D</ant-radio>

<ant-radio-group mode="button" [(ngModel)]="example5.group1" (change)="onGroupChange($event)">
    <ant-radio value="a">Hangzhou</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="b">Shanghai</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="c">Beijing</ant-radio>
    <ant-radio value="d">Chengdu</ant-radio>

Switch 开关:

<!-- normal -->
<ant-switch (change)="onChange($event)"></ant-switch>
<ant-switch (change)="onChange($event)" checkedText="" uncheckedText=""></ant-switch>

<!-- the checked state is controlled by ngModel -->
<ant-switch value="open" uncheckedValue="off" [(ngModel)]="example1.value"></ant-switch>

Select 选择器:

单选模式 (default):
<ant-select [(ngModel)]="example6.value1"
    [size]="example6.size" style="width: 200px;">
    <ant-option *ngFor="let i of getNumRange()" [value]="i">

<ant-select [(ngModel)]="example6.value2"
    [size]="example6.size" mode="combobox" style="width: 200px;">
    <ant-option *ngFor="let i of getNumRange()" [value]="i">

<ant-select [(ngModel)]="example6.value3"
    placeholder="Please select"
    [size]="example6.size" mode="multiple" style="width: 100%;">
    <ant-option *ngFor="let i of getNumRange()" [value]="i">

<ant-select [(ngModel)]="example6.value4"
    placeholder="Please select"
    [size]="example6.size" mode="tags" style="width: 100%;">
    <ant-option *ngFor="let i of getNumRange()" [value]="i">

TimePicker 时间选择框:

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择时间:</label>
    [(ngModel)]="example1.value1" (change)="onChange($event)">

TimeSelect 时间选择框:

<label style="display: inline-block; width: 65px">选择时间:</label>
    [(ngModel)]="example1.value2" (change)="onChange($event)">
  • Data Display
组件 标签 进度
Avatar 头像 <ant-avatar> 已完成 (Done)
Badge 徽标数 <ant-badge> 已完成 (Done)
Collapse 折叠面板 待开发 (Pending)
Carousel 走马灯 待开发 (Pending)
Card 卡片 待开发 (Pending)
Calendar 日历 <ant-fullcalendar> 已完成 (Done)
Popover 气泡卡片 ant-popover 已完成 (Done)
Tree 树形控件 <ant-tree> 已完成 (Done)
Tooltip 文字提示器 <ant-tooltip> 已完成 (Done)
Timeline 时间轴 待开发 (Pending)
Tag 标签 <ant-tag> 已完成 (Done)
Tabs 标签页 <ant-tabs> 已完成 (Done)
Table 表格 <ant-table> 已完成 (Done)

Avatar 头像:

<ant-avatar icon="user"></ant-avatar>
<ant-avatar src=""></ant-avatar>

Badge 徽标数:

<ant-badge [count]="5" [showZero]="true">
    <a href="#" class="head-example"></a>

<ant-badge [dot]="true">
    <ant-icon type="notification"></ant-icon>

<ant-badge status="success"></ant-badge>
<ant-badge status="error"></ant-badge>
<ant-badge status="default"></ant-badge>
<ant-badge status="processing"></ant-badge>
<ant-badge status="warning"></ant-badge>

Calendar 日历:

<ant-fullcalendar (panelChange)="onPanelChange($event)"></ant-fullcalendar>

Popover 气泡卡片:

<ant-button type="primary" ant-popover title="Title" pop-content="Content">Hover me</ant-button>
<ant-button ant-popover title="Title" placement="topLeft" [arrowPointAtCenter]="true">
    Arrow points to center / 箭头指向中心

Tree 树形控件:

<ant-tree [roots]="children" [checkable]="true" (check)="onCheck($event)"></ant-tree>

Tooltip 文字提示器:

<span antTooltip title="prompt text">Tooltip will show when mouse enter.</span>

Tag 标签:

<ant-tag [closable]="true" (beforeClose)="beforeClose($event)" (close)="afterClose($event)">Tag 1</ant-tag>

Tabs 标签页:

<ant-tabs activeKey="1" (change)="onChange($event)">
    <ant-tabpane tabTitle="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</ant-tabpane>
    <ant-tabpane tabTitle="Tab 2" key="2" [disabled]="true">Content of Tab Pane 2</ant-tabpane>
    <ant-tabpane tabTitle="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</ant-tabpane>

Table 表格:

            <tr *ngFor="let item of getExample1Data()">
                    <a href="#">编辑</a>
                    <span class="ant-divider"></span>
                    <a href="#">删除</a>
                    <span class="ant-divider"></span>
                    <a href="#" class="ant-dropdown-link">
                        更多 <ant-icon type="down"></ant-icon>
  • Feedback
组件 标签 进度
Alert 警告提示 <ant-alert> 已完成 (Done)
Modal 对话框 Modal 已完成 (Done)
Message 全局提示 Message 已完成 (Done)
Notification 通知提醒框 Notification 已完成 (Done)
Progress 进度条 <ant-progress> 已完成 (Done)
Popconfirm 气泡确认框 popconfirm 已完成 (Done)
Dialog 信息提示框 <ant-dialog> 已完成 (Done)
Dialog 信息提示框 Layer 已完成 (Done)
Spin 加载中 <ant-spin> 已完成 (Done)

Alert 警告提示:

<ant-alert type="success" message="Success Text"></ant-alert>

Modal 对话框:



<ant-button type="primary" (click)="showExample1Modal($event)">Open</ant-button>
<ng-template #example1Template>
    <p>Some contents...</p>
    <p>Some contents...</p>
    <p>Some contents...</p>
@ViewChild('example1Template', { read: TemplateRef })
example1Template: TemplateRef<any>;

constructor(private modal: Modal) {

showExample1Modal(event: Event): void {{
        title: 'Basic Modal',
        templateRef: this.example1Template,
        triggerEvent: event
    }).subscribe((result: { dialog: ModalDialog, event: Event, action: string }) => {
        if (result.action === 'OK') {
        } else {
    }, (error) => {


<ant-button type="primary" (click)="showExample5Modal($event)">Open</ant-button>
constructor(private modal: Modal) {

showExample5Modal(event: Event): void {
    this.modal.create(ModalFormComponent, {
    }, {
        title: '请输入账号',
        width: 320,
        triggerEvent: event
    }).subscribe((result: { dialog: ModalDialog, event: Event, button: any, action: string }) => {
        console.log(`你点击了【${result.button.text || '确定'}】`, result.button);
        result.button.loading = true;
        setTimeout(() => {
            result.button.loading = false;
        }, 3000);
    }, (error) => {


info(): void {
    const title = 'This is a notification message';
    const content = 'some messages...some messages...';, title)
        .then((result: { dialog: ModalDialog, event: Event, action: string }) => {
        }, (result: { dialog: ModalDialog, event: Event, action: string }) => {

Message 全局提示:

<ant-button type="primary" (click)="info()">Display normal message</ant-button>
constructor(private message: Message) {
info(): void {'This is a normal message');

Notification 通知提醒框:

<ant-button type="primary" (click)="openNotification()">Open the notification box</ant-button>
constructor(private notification: Notification) {
openNotification(): void {{
        message: 'Notification Title',
        description: 'This is the content of the notification. This is the content of the notification.'

Progress 进度条:

<ant-progress [percent]="30"></ant-progress>
<ant-progress type="circle" [percent]="75"></ant-progress>
<ant-progress type="circle" [percent]="75" [status]="'exception'"></ant-progress>

Popconfirm 气泡确认框:

<a href="javascript:;" popconfirm title="Are you sure delete this task?" (confirm)="onConfirm()" (cancel)="onCancel()">Delete</a>

Dialog 信息提示框:

<ant-button type="primary" (click)="showAlert()">Alert</ant-button>
constructorprivate layer: Layer) {
showAlert(): void {
    this.layer.showAlert('你好,我是提示信息!').then(() => {
        console.log('您刚刚选择了: OK');
    }, () => {
        console.log('您刚刚选择了: NO');
showConfirm(): void {
    this.layer.showConfirm('是否删除记录?', '系统消息').then(() => {
        console.log('您刚刚选择了: OK');
    }, () => {
        console.log('您刚刚选择了: NO');

Spin 加载中:

<ant-spin tip="Loading..."></ant-spin>


npm install fire-ant --save

如果下载速度较慢,可以尝试加入淘宝 NPM 镜像,以加快模块下载速度。

npm install -g cnpm --registry=


alias cnpm="npm --registry= \
--cache=$HOME/.npm/.cache/cnpm \
--disturl= \


cnpm install fire-ant --save
  • 目前打成发布包的脚本还有问题,安装包还不可用,深感抱歉!主要问题如下:
  1. ERROR in AntModule is not an NgModule
  2. 没有把templateUrl中的html文件装入ts、js文件内
  3. 没有把styleUrls中的scss文件装入ts、js文件内
  • 例如
    selector: 'ant-input',
    templateUrl: './input.html',  <-- did not package inside
    styleUrls: ['./style/index.scss'],  <-- did not package inside
    encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,



git clone
cd fire-ant-example
cnpm install

下载后,通过开发工具VSCode打开安装目录,点击调试“启动程序”,然后在浏览器中输入 http://localhost:4200/ 直接预览效果。


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AntModule } from 'fire-ant';

import { AppComponent }   from './app.component';

    imports: [
    declarations: [

    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

Live Example

Open Chrome, and visits:

Demo Project:


基于 MIT 协议发布,免费开源


Thanks for your interest in contributing! 🎉 Read up on our guidelines for [contributing][contributing] and then look through our issues with a help help wanted label.

我们欢迎任何形式的贡献,有任何建议或意见您可以进行 Pull Request,或者给我们 提问