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Voice QL prototype application which makes it possible to talk with table structures


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Voice-QL - Talk to your Database - Main Project

What this project is about

A digitized world offers numerous benefits, such as making information easily accessible to a wider audience.

This is the one of the promises which come with Open Data initiatives: making data freely available to the public for reuse and analysis. The vision is to make government, scientific, and other types of data easily accessible to the public, allowing for the development of new products, services, and insights.

However, not everyone has equal access to these digital resources. Some segments of the population face obstacles that prevent them from accessing the information they need. People with visual or motor impairments, for instance, are often excluded from the digital world.

But sometimes data itself is presented in a way which makes it inherently difficult to retrieve information from it for everybody. This is especially true for large data sets. They are often presented in tabular form.

Without knowledge of database languages like SQL or without being a master of Excel, it can be difficult to extract and understand information hidden in the data.

Recognizing this challenge, the Voice-QL project has been launched to address the issue. The project aims to develop a dialog model for voice assistants that can then provide a more accessible way retrieving information from databases. The voice assistant responds to spoken or typed voice commands, allowing users to navigate through the contents of the database without the need to touch a screen or keyboard.

In other words: Voice-Ql is designed to address the challenge of accessing data and making it more accessible for everyone by using natural language as an interface.

Not only will Voice-QL make information more accessible for individuals, but it will also give organizations and individuals who contribute information to open data a new tool to reach a wider audience.

Related projects

A number of additional github repositories contain material which has been implemented, adapted and/or preconfigured to be used with or without Voice-QL. You can find more information by following these links:

  • Voice-QL - Use Snips NLU as replacement for NLP.js: github

  • Voice-QL - Web Client with SQL protocol display - Chat Widget: github

  • Voice-QL - Talking Browser Demo - Use your browser to talk with your data: github

  • Model Linter: npm, github

  • Magic Model: npm, github

  • Magic Prototyper: npm, github


So how does Voice-QL work? What is the main idea?

The Voice-QL project is importing data from some table given in sqlite format using it to generate input files for the Jovo Framework, which in turn generates necessary artifacts for a Voice App.

graph TD

    subgraph TABLECONTAINER[ ]
        TABLE(Table data)-->|is imported by|VOICEQL(Voice-QL)-->|generates input files for| JOVO(Jovo Framework)-->|generates necessary artifacts for|VOICEAPP(Voice App)

classDef VQLspecific fill:#F3DC61,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
class VOICEQL VQLspecific

The diagram illustrates how the Voice-QL project is transforming table data into a voice-based interface for accessing information. We will find a more image more below in this text.

Example Dialogues based on real world data

Let us start with some examples of how a dialogue with the Voice QL may look like:

Test data

For this example we use some real world data. Within an Open Data dictionary we found an table in SQLite format with information about what first names ("Vornamen") parents gave their childs.

The structure of the table looks as follows:

Test data set 'Vornamen in Berlin'

A number of challenges come with this dataset:

  • The name of the table is "vornamen", one column is named "vorname". This may cause conflicts when trying to understand spoken user intents.

  • Some content is empty (NULL). The voice app will have to deal with that.

  • The complete table has 300.000+ lines. How can a user get an idea what this content is about just by using spoken language as user interface? How to navigate in such an amount of data?

  • If we ask for information matching a specific search criterion then the system may find hundreds or thousands of lines. It makes no sense to read them all aloud.

  • A lot of entries contain special characters because the names chosen by parents come from different languages. This may cause problems with both understanding and responding to the user.

  • When spoken aloud the column name "Jahr" sounds similar to "Ja" (German for "yes") which may make it diffult for a system to distiguish utterances using these words.

We will see how far we get ...

Processing / Workflow

Using the Voice-QL setup this table is preprocessed, a matching voice model for the Jovo framework is created automatically and then some backend logic builds SQL statements on the fly from the content we find in the spoken user utterances.

Built on top of the Jovo framework we can use Jovo to generate customized Voice Apps which will run on different platforms - for whatever platform Jovo supports now or will support in the future.

Example Dialog

So what can the user do then when using such a voice app? The following example dialog shows what is possible right now.

Please note that depending on the final platform some examples may return different results. If you have a decision which platform you plan to support you will likely need to finetune your prototype to find the results you expect:

Support and guidance the user when information is missing

  • User: "Öffne Datenbank Test"
  • Assistant: "Willkommen bei Voice-QL"
  • User: "Was kann ich machen?"
  • Assistant: "Frage zum Beispiel nach den Metadaten"
  • User: "Was sind die Metadaten?"
  • Assistant: "Du musst zuerst eine Tabelle der Datenbank mit ihrem gültigen Namen auswählen. Welche der folgenden Tabellen möchtest Du verwenden: Zur Verfügung stehen vornamen, empty und griechisch."
  • User: "Wähle Tabelle vornamen"
  • Assistant: "Die Tabelle mit dem Namen vornamen hat 310025 Zeilen und 7 Spalten. Die Namen der Spalten lauten id, vorname, anzahl, geschlecht, position, jahr und bezirk."

In the above example we see that the system responds with a meaningful message in case some required information is missing. The system will ask for required parameters and proceeds with the previous request when the necessary information is available.

Conversational Context

A database may contain multiple tables and we can switch between the tables via voice command. The session will save such decisions and settings for later in a context environment. This way it is possible to automatically complete incomplete requests.

  • User: "Welche Tabellen gibt es?"
  • Assistant: "Die Namen der Tabellen lauten 'Vornamen', 'EMPTY' und 'griechisch'."
  • User: "Wähle die Tabelle mit dem Namen 'Vornamen'"
  • Assistent: "Wechsel zur Tabelle Vornamen."

Further requests will use the context to build a complete SQL statement from whatever information is available.

From voice request to SQL statements

The system is doing it's best to understand the intent of the user and build a matching SQL statement from both the latest utterance and the context.

  • User: "Wie viele Spalten hast Du?"
  • Assistant: "Die Tabelle 'Vornamen' hat sieben Spalten"

The system assumes that the request refers to the table that has been chosen in an earlier request.

  • User: "Welche Namen haben die Spalten?"
  • Assistant: "Die Namen der Spalten von der Tabelle 'Vornamen' lauten ID, Vorname, Anzahl, Geschlecht, Position, Jahr und Bezirk"

Another example:

  • User: "Wie viele Zeilen hast Du?"
  • Assistant: "Die Tabelle Vornamen hat 310025 Zeilen"


  • User: "Welchen Namen hat Spalte drei?"
  • Assistant: "Der Name der Spalte drei von Tabelle Vornamen ist 'Anzahl'"

Asking for column content

While above examples only show requests referring to metadata we can also use more complex statements:

  • User: "Was ist der größte Wert in Spalte 'Anzahl'"
  • Assistant: "Der größte Wert in Spalte 'Anzahl' ist 128"

The generated SQL query looks as follows:

SELECT MAX('anzahl') FROM ("vornamen")

More complex statements

What is the name that has been chosen 128 times? The user can use the result '128' for another query.

For this the user may use an informal or a more technical approach:

Example for an informal approach using a more natural wording. This may be used by a non expert:

  • User: "Wähle Werte mit Anzahl gleich 128"

Here is an example for a more technical approach using an SQL style request:

  • User: "SELECT STERN mit Spalte ANZAHL gleich 128"

Both requests shown in above examples use a complete different wording but in both cases the system will recognize the same intent and build the same SQL query:g as follows:

SELECT * FROM ("vornamen") WHERE anzahl = 128 LIMIT 1,1

In both cases the answer is the same:

  • Assistent: "Die aktuelle Zeile mit der Nummer 1 beinhaltet die folgenden Werte: id: 95302, vorname: Marie, anzahl: 128, geschlecht: w, position: kein Eintrag, jahr: 2015 und bezirk: pankow"

There may be more than one result, but for a voice interface it makes sense to limit the output to one line only. This is a pattern which we use throughout the application.

Different SQL Queries based on different parameter Types

Above example shows a request referring to a number (128). When dealing with strings then SQL statements are built in another way. See the following example:

  • User: "Zeige Zeilen mit Vorname gleich frank"

  • User: "SELECT stern FROM vornamen WHERE SPALTE Vorname gleich frank"

Instead of the '=' syntax we now use a 'LIKE' expression and make sure to make the comparison case insensitive:

SELECT * FROM ("vornamen") WHERE lower(vorname) LIKE lower('frank') 1,1

Navigation through results: row cursor

For navigation we use the concept of a row cursor.

We can move through multiple result lines using commands as follows:

  • User: "Nächste Zeile"
  • User: "Nächste Zeile"
  • User: "Eine Zeile zurück"
  • User: "Zur ersten Zeile"

Ask for current status and metadata

We can always alk the system to reread the current line:

  • User: "Lies die aktuelle Zeile"

We can ask for Metadata about the current table:

  • User: "Was sind die Metadaten"

We can ask for more information about the current context using the command 'status':

  • User: "Status"

The big picture

Within the following picture you can see how everything fits together. Components marked grey did exist already before we started with the project. Thoses components marked orange have been implemented during this project:

graph TD

    subgraph VOICEQL[Voice-QL<br><br><br><br>]
        subgraph TABLEFORMATS[Various table formats<br><br><br><br>]
            DATASOURCEDB[Relational Database] -->|converted| SQLITE
            DATASOURCEEXCEL[Excel File] -->|converted| SQLITE
            DATASOURCECSV[CSV File] -->|converted| SQLITE

        VQLCONFIGFILE(Magic Prototyper configuration file for Voice-QL<br>- defines language models<br>- defines utterances<br>- defines business logic<br>- Spintax support<br>- JEXL support<br>- Multiple locales<br>JSON file format)-->|is imported|VQL
        SQLITE[Standard SQLite File<br>- may contain multiple tables<br>- standard format for databases] -->|is imported & validated|VQL(Magic Prototyper Jovo Plugin<br>- interpreter & generator<br>- hooks seamlessly into the Jovo build process<br>TypeScript)
        SQLITE-->|is requested at runtime|BACKENDADAPTER

        VQL -->|uses| CODEGENERATOR(Magic Prototyper Code generator<br>TypeScript)
        BACKENDADAPTER(Backend SQLite Adapter<br>- handles db access<br>- evaluates queries according to dialogue state<br>TypeScript) -->|used by| CODEGENERATOR
        VQL -->|uses| MODELGENERATOR(Magic Prototyper Model generator<br>TypeScript)
        VQLTEST(Automated Unit Testing<br>Jest Framework)

    subgraph WORLDOFJOVO[World of Jovo<br><br><br><br>]
        JOVOCLASSES(Business Logic:<br>Application specific<br>Jovo Code<br>TypeScript) -->JF
        JOVOI18NFILES(Application specific<br>Jovo i18n definition files<br>'de', 'en', ... in JSON format) -->JF
        JOVOCONFIGURATION(Voice-QL<br> specific configuration)-->JF
        JOVOMODELFILES(Application specific<br>Jovo voice model files<br>'de', 'en', ... in JSON format) -->|uploaded for training|SNIPS
        SNIPS(Snips<br> - NLP engine<br> - Replacement for NLP.js<br> - running in Docker container)<-->|interacts with|JF
        DBG(Jovo Debugger<br>Test environment<br>browser based<br>user interface<br>for interactive<br>application testing)<-->|interacts with|JF
        JF -->|creates| CA(Experimental:<br>- Browser based Voice App<br>- Talk to your browser!<br>- Works in Chrome only)
            CA<-->|interacts with|SL
        JF -->|creates & deploys| SL(Serverless Framework<br>- AWS<br>- Code Artifacts<br>- Backend Business Logic)
        JF -->|creates & deploys|AS
        AS(Alexa Skill)-->|uses|SL
        GA(Google Assistant Action)-->|uses|SL
        JF -->|creates & deploys|GA

    subgraph CHATBOTWEBCLIENT[ Voice-QL Custom Web Client Vue Framework <br><br>]
        SL<-->|interacts with|CHATBOT(Interactive Chatbot Application<br>- running in Browser<br> - implemented in Vue<br> - Show generated SQL statements)

classDef VQLspecific fill:#F3DC61,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
class VQL VQLspecific
class VQLTEST VQLspecific
class JOVOCLASSES VQLspecific
class JOVOI18NFILES VQLspecific
class CHATBOT VQLspecific
class SNIPS VQLspecific

The Voice-QL system appears as a framework for developing voice applications. It imports a standard relational databases table container using SQLite format as a file, which is then processed by the Magic Prototyper Jovo Plugin which has been implermented during this project too. This plugin is both an interpreter and generator that hooks seamlessly into the Jovo build process. The Voice-QL system uses the Magic Prototyper to generate all the necessary code and model files for the Jovo framework.

The backend adapter handles database access and evaluates queries according to the dialogue state.

The Jovo Framework creates and deploys the voice application on platforms such as Alexa Skill and Google Assistant Action. The Voice-QL system also provides a custom web client implemented in the Vue framework for an interactive chatbot application, which displays generated SQL statements on the fly.

The application is trained using Snips, a natural language processing engine.

Master definition file

The following master definition file contains all the information which is used to generate / create above files:

The master definition file makes extensive use of Spintax and JEXL expressions which makes it possible to reduce the total number of lines by the amount of 10.

While the master definition file in this example has 2900+ lines the total number of lines ooking at all the generated artifacts for Jovo is about 11000+ lines.

Generated files

Using the Magic Prototyper Plugin developed during this project the following code artifacts for the Jovo framwork have been generated automatically based on the configuration file:

Generated voice model files

Two voice model definition files:

Generated files for i18n

Two i18n definition files including dynamic constants which can be used for referenences:

Generated component implementations

Three component implementations refering to the constants defined above:

Why Jovo?

Jovo makes voice application development so much easier, especially if you taget various platforms with your use case. But even if you only build for one platform then you will experience much faster turnaround times during development compared to the development process normally used when you build for voice assistants.

Find out more here:

Hooks/Plugins built during this project

Wherever it made sense we implemented domain independent functionality using the Jovo hook/plugin architecture. So these parts of the projects can be reused even if you don't care about Voice-QL.

The following Hooks & Plugins have been built and made public during this project:

All these plugins can be added to other projects for use cases completely independent from what Voice-QL is doing.

Setup / Installation

The following instruction is only a sketch, this remains to be done, this is only a raw draft:

Prepare Data File

Make sure your data is available in SQLITE format. For any other database formats please use available tools to convert information into SQLite format. It may be necessary to rename table and column names to

  • pronouncable names (avoid names like XQ19 or premium customer adress table 2019)

  • names that do not conflict with voice commands like help, stop or cancel

Voice-QL will later use SQLITE metadata to create both code and the language model of the voice application.

Checkout, configure, install and launch related projects

For information how to work/setup/use Jovo please follow the official Jovo installation instructions

As next steps you can checkout and run the following projects:

  • required: Voice-QL-Snips

    Jovo comes with a preconfigured version of NLP.js. This comes with some limitation which we try to avoid by replacing NLP.js with SNIPS nlu. You can find a preconfigured instance of SNIPs as a Docker image with this project. Please note that some of the example dialogues shown above may not work with Snips but e.g. with Alexa as both systems use different engines in the background.

    mkdir voice-ql-snips
    git clone
    sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 snips-nlu-server
  • required: Voice-QL (this Github project)

    mkdir voice-ql
    git clone
    npm install
    jovo build:platform alexa
    jovo run

    This project is where the magic happens. Change the settings in this project and the Voice-QL application will take care of building a testable application/prototype. This is what you might want to do:

    • replace the configured Sqlite file with your database file of choice
    • Adjust the Magic Prototyper configuration file (you may use Spintax and JEXL expressions)
    • run the command jovo build:platform alexa and follow the instructions

    In case jovo is running the system will detect file changes automatically and recompile whatever is necessary. Changes in the Magic Prototyper configuration file require another run of jovo build:platform alexa.

    In case you want to enforce a recompile step manually then type: npm run tsc

  • optional: Voice-QL-Vue-Client-Chatbot

    Voice-QL comes with a ready to use webapp that can by used to chat with a table via written commands. This application will show the SQL statements that have been build automatically to answer the user request. The following screen shot shows you the look and feel:


    How to setup:

    1. Preparation: Start Snips NLU and Voice-QL as described above. The chatbot will use them as backend.

    2. Checkout, build and start the chatbot:

      mkdir voice-ql-vue-chatbot
      git clone
      npm install
      npm run serve
    3. If you experience problems when launching and see error messsages related to SSL this may be because of a newer node version. The following environment setting should help you in that case:

      export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

      Then run npm run serve again.

    4. Now use your local browser and navigate to the address shown in the console window, e.g. http://localhost:8080/ and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • optional: Voice-QL-Vue-Client-Talk (work with Chrome only)

Challenges / Problems / Limitations

You might experience problems in the following cases:

  • Column Names have labels like "Help", "Stop", "Cancel", ...
  • Column Names contain Whitepace, non ASCII characters or numbers. This will likely lead to a bad user experience
  • Columns have unpronouncable names like "X13QST".
  • Voice-QL is prepared to create SlotType definitions for you based on the column values in the table. In case you have too many different values your language model might "explode". Different platforms have their limitations regarding the complexity of the model. So if you have a list of 100000 Names in your database then this is not the approach you are looking for.
  • Features like formulas within tables are not supported yet. You will experience best results with tables containing strings and numerical data.

If you run into any such problems it may be necessary to rename metadata or define a subset which makes sense.

So for the framework to work with your use case it may be necessary to simplify raw data first.

Going from prototyping to production

Voice-QL is intended to generate prototype apps which can be used to demonstrate a proof of concept. The prototype will also help you to detect in an early stage of your project whether the data quality in your table is good enough to be used for a voice app. If for example column names turn out to have unpronouncable names you will have to rename them before you proceed.

The generated component code can be used to add additional functionality. But note that as you start to implement changes within the generated code you have to deactivate the MagicPrototyper hook. Otherwise you will overwrite changes during your next build.

Out of focus

The following features would be nice to have but they were out of focus in this project:

  • No multiple conditions with and or or
  • No support for join within or between tables
  • No nested queries, no sub selects
  • Neither group by nor having
  • No range queries "find between x and y"

Test data files

For your own experiments you might need some test data from some Open Data repository. Here are some suggestions which all come with different challenges when you want to make them accessible via voice:

Appendix / Further Reading / References / Bibliography

Prototype Fund Voice QL homepage

You may want to have a look at the official project description page which is hosted on the PrototypeFund website (German).

Example for guide lines on how to design a Voice Model

When defining your voice model it is important to know and respect the rules and limitations from a target platform. Therefore the following might be wort a read:

Title: Speech to SQL Generator-A Voice Based Approach

Filename: "706-01.pdf"


"In this proposed system, a user interacts with the system through a voice-based user interface to fetch the desired results. To make the system smooth and interactive, the query is based on casual human speech / conversation. The spoken query undergoes many steps to arrive at the final results. It includes synonym table which is used to convert the spoken query into SQL keywords. The proposed work produce good results for simple and complex queries."

One sentence summary: Helpful list of to be supported statement types

Title: Making the case for Query-by-Voice with EchoQuery

Article: "Making the case for Query-by-Voice with EchoQuery"

Filename: "EchoQuery - SIGMOD 2016 Demo Proposal.pdf"


Project Page:

"While traditional database systems provide a one-shot (i.e., stateless) query interface, natural language conversations are incremental (i.e., stateful) in nature. To that end, EchoQuery provides a stateful dialogue-based query interface between the user and the database where (1) users can start a conversation with an initial query and refine that query incrementally over time, and (2) EchoQuery can seek for clarification if the query is incomplete or has some ambiguities that need to be resolved."

One sentence summary: An Alexa skill in English supporting a dialog which allows to narrow down the result set incrementaly.


Title: "An algorithm to transform natural language into SQL queries for relational databases"

Filename: "algorithm-to-transform-natural-language-into-SQL-queries.pdf"


One sentence summary: Algorithm description how to map NL queries to SQL, contains word sets that may be useful, multiple tables.


Title: "How to Talk to Your Database" Source:


"We now describe Seq2SQL, an end-to-end deep learning model for translating natural language questions to corresponding SQL queries over a database table."

One sentence summary: With support of crowd workers a lot of NL queries are mapped to matching SQL queries.

Title: Learning a Neural Semantic Parser from User Feedback

Filename: "1704.08760.pdf"


"Our feedback-based learning approach can be used to quickly deploy semantic parsers to create NLIDBs for any new domain. It is a simple interactive learning algorithm that deploys a preliminary semantic parser, then iteratively improves this parser using user feedback and selective query annotation. A key requirement of this algorithm is the ability to cheaply and efficiently annotate queries for chosen user utterances. We address this requirement by developing a model that directly outputs SQL queries (Section 4), which can also be produced by crowd workers"

One sentence summary: User feedback allows to improve mapping from NL to SQL in iterations.

Title: DBPal: An End-to-end Neural Natural Language Interface for Databases

Filename: 1804.00401.pdf



"[...] approach that uses only the database schema with minimal annotation as input and generates a large collection of pairs of natural language queries and their corresponding SQL statements."

One sentence summary: Chat interface for NL to SQL converter, results are presented as text in a table.


Video: Video shows chatbot like user interface Source:


One sentence summary: Natural language chatbot product which needs to be customized first to then allow processing requests related to information contained in a database, works in a Slack like interface.

Title: The rise of Voice, the fall of SQL

Source: (link is down, but there is a copy available in

"Imagine if the only language you needed to talk to your database was English? No SQL. No NoSQL. No tables. Just the information you care about at the tip of your tongue. As natural as asking someone else…"

One sentence summary: Company offers to use schema information and synonyms provided by the customer to build a customer specific solution that enables the end user to retrieve informaton from a database via natural language requests, that are translated into e.g. SQL.

Title: Advanced Voice Control Platform


"We're creating the de-facto platform for performing complex computer tasks by voice command. The mission is to eliminate computer injuries while INCREASING productivity and pushing the boundaries of computer-interaction and automation."

One sentence summary: User can dictate source code into editor.


Apache License 2.0


This project receives funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FKZ 01IS22S30)

Logo Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung     Logo Open Knowledge Foundation     Logo Prototype Fund

The Prototype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Voice QL prototype application which makes it possible to talk with table structures





