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- Studio Ghibli's Fan Hub: React app with eCommerce built-in using Stripe API for payment gateway. Implemented NoSQL Firebase for serverless storage. Login with Google Login and Styled Components patterns for UI. State management through React Hooks, Redux, enhanced by Redux Reselect / Redux Persist and Redux-Saga.
- Catoro: Professional Coffee Cupping App. Implemented UI employing React and Redux with React-Boostrap for styling. Utilized JSON Web Tokens through React Google Login and localStorage to store encrypted user information client-side. ES6+ JavaScript, React Hook-Form, and Chart.js.
- Yijing Ball Z: I-Ching oracle inspired by Dragon Ball Z. Vanilla JavaScript frontend and implemented Node.js/Express API server with MongoDB database and GraphQL querying for authenticating users. Handled AJAX CRUD calls in JSON. Used Facebook JS SDK.
- Uff!: Street Art Finder. Full MVC Rails app with RESTful patterns + PostgreSQL database. Implemented custom ActiveRecord model validations, authentication through Devise / Omniauth (Facebook, GoogleAuth) and password encryption through Bcrypt. Google Cloud Storage and MiniMagick.