FlaP is a simple utility that flattens LaTeX projects. It takes a well-organised LaTeX project—one you so carefully crafted—and merged it into a vulgar single LaTeX file in a 'flat' directory.
Why? Some publishers require one such flat structure when you submit the sources of your manuscript, and I got tired to flatten the sources by hand.
Another one? There already a couple of tools that merge latex projects such as latexpand, flatex or flatten. As far as I know, they only merge TeX files, without moving graphics around. I learned recently about texDirflatten, which seems to be an alternative, but I haven't tried it.
FLaP requires Python 3 (3.6, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9 are tested). The easiest way to install latest official release is to use pip using:
$ pip install flap
Alternatively, you get the latest development version using:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/fchauvel/flap.git
Should you want to look at the code, you may download the sources distribution and use
$ git clone https://github.com/fchauvel/flap.git
$ cd flap
$ python setup.py install .`
For the newest (development) version, use:
$ flap project/main.tex output/directory
Prior to v0.4.1 (included), we invoke FLaP using:
$ python -m flap project/main.tex output/directory
See also the online documentation.
If you give FLaP a try, please report any bugs, issues or feature request using the issue tracker.