Computer Vision and Machine learning in one place.
OS UK Vector maps etc
ONS Goeportal UK Local Authority Boundary Data as .shp files.
SeDAS Sentinel satelite data available through python api
copernicus EU satelite data available through api
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SPIRI Databases
- The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) datasets
- Journal of Peace Research (JPR) datasets
- The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project DATA EXPORT TOOL
- Global Terrorism Database database
- University of Central Florida
- Women Stats Project dataset
- UK Home Office Migration Statistics dataset
- Organization for Economic Coeperation and Development International Migration
- Migration Data Portal collated by International Organization for Migration (IOM) datasets
- Indiana Institute of Techonolgy Corpora
- Stanford NLP home> Corpus > Stanford NLP resources > code >
- Stanford NLP home >
- Stanford Sentiment Analisis dataset
- Stanford Amazone Reviews dataset
- Conrnell Movie Dialoge Corpus dataset
- Project Gutenberg Corpus python library
- Twitter api
RAVE -- publication
- Book maths of machine leanring , associated ropository
- Book Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Course site explaining cnns for vision
Type Notebook Evaluation Metrics Image Restoration (ViT) Visualizing ViTs