This project aims to build a web-based used car system. This system allows users to post ads for used cars they want to sell and potential buyers can search for used cars based on several categories.
The objective of this system is to:
- Implement features to offer used car products, complete user profiles, and conduct car searches.
- Create a system to manage used car ads with titles, product details, and seller contacts.
- Implemented search features to search for cars based on seller location, brand, and body type.
- Allow potential buyers to bid on the price of used car products if allowed by the seller.
- Each app user can offer more than one used car product.
- Before selling car products, users must first complete their data, such as name, contact, and domicile location.
- Users offer their products through advertisements that will be displayed by the website.
- The ad contains the title, detailed product information offered, and seller contact information.
- Each user can search for cars offered based on the seller's user location, car brand, and car body type.
- If a potential buyer is interested in a car, he/she can bid on the price of the product if the seller allows the bidding feature.
- The purchase transaction is done outside the application so it is not within the scope of the project.