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countdown (v. 0.0.16)

A really simple function to provide and extended version of the native setTimeout which can be

  • paused / resumed
  • updated while running
  • have a ticking function
let end, start;
    ({ at }) =>
        console.log(`ENDED in ${at-start}ms (${at})`),
    ({ remaining, elapsed, cycle, progress, at }) => 
            `tick #${cycle} : ${progress}%`,
            `[${remaining} | ${elapsed}]`,
// run is not, if we want to start the countdown
.run(({ at }) => {
    start = at;
    console.log(`STARTED at ${start}`);

will produce

STARTED at 1680118831385
tick #0 : 10.1% [899 | 101] 1680118831487
tick #1 : 20.1% [799 | 201] 1680118831586
tick #2 : 30.1% [699 | 301] 1680118831686
tick #3 : 40.1% [599 | 401] 1680118831786
tick #4 : 50.2% [498 | 502] 1680118831887
tick #5 : 60.1% [399 | 601] 1680118831986
tick #6 : 70.2% [298 | 702] 1680118832087
tick #7 : 80.1% [199 | 801] 1680118832186
tick #8 : 90.2% [98 | 902] 1680118832287
tick #9 : 100.1% [-1 | 1001] 1680118832386
ENDED in 1008ms
but one might want to add or subtract time while running
var start, end;
    ({ at }) => 
        console.log(`ENDED in ${at-start}ms`, at),
    ({ remaining, elapsed, cycle, progress, at }) => 
            `tick #${cycle} : ${progress}%`,
            `[${remaining} | ${elapsed}]`,
.onTune(({ at }) =>
    console.log(`updating after ${at - start}`)
.at(500, ({ i }) => i.tune(1000))
.at(700, ({ i }) => i.tune(-300))
// run is not, if we want to start the countdown
.run(({ at }) => {
    start = at;
    console.log(`STARTED at ${start}`);


STARTED at 1680120475512
tick #0 : 10.100% [899 | 101] 1680120475613
tick #1 : 20.100% [799 | 201] 1680120475713
tick #2 : 30.100% [699 | 301] 1680120475813
tick #3 : 40.100% [599 | 401] 1680120475913
tick #4 : 50.100% [499 | 501] 1680120476013
updating after 510
tick #6 : 30.050% [1399 | 601] 1680120476113
tick #7 : 35.050% [1299 | 701] 1680120476213
updating after 709
tick #9 : 47.059% [900 | 800] 1680120476312
tick #10 : 53.000% [799 | 901] 1680120476413
tick #11 : 58.824% [700 | 1000] 1680120476512
tick #12 : 64.765% [599 | 1101] 1680120476614
tick #13 : 70.647% [499 | 1201] 1680120476713
tick #14 : 76.471% [400 | 1300] 1680120476812
tick #15 : 82.353% [300 | 1400] 1680120476912
tick #16 : 88.353% [198 | 1502] 1680120477014
tick #17 : 94.176% [99 | 1601] 1680120477113
ENDED in 1700ms 1680120477212


countdown(endƒn, horizont ms, tickƒn, tick ms)

factory method expects as parameters:

  • endƒn <ƒunction> : meant to be executed when the countdown is over
  • horizont <integer>: the "event horizont"; number of milliseconds for the coundown to complete
  • tickƒn <tickƒn>: meant to be executed when ticking (default () => {})
  • tick <integer>: the "tick period"; number of milliseconds between two consequtive ticks (default 100ms))

returns an instance of a simple object where the following methods are available:

  • run(ƒn) to start it, optionally accepts a function that will be called once started receiving the countdown instance

  • pause(_slide_ <bool>) to pause it manually; when a truthy value is passed for slide then this pause will not only stop the tick notifications (if any set) but will also slide forward the end of the countdown set as horizont.

  • resume() to resume it manually

  • tune(number) to live add (positive number) or remove (negative number) number milliseconds to the event horizont

  • end() to stop it

  • getStatus() returns an object {remaining, elapsed, progress}

  • onPause(ƒn) to pass a function that will be called when pause will be called; ƒn will be invoked receiving some info

  • onResume(ƒn) to pass a function that will be called when resume will be called; ƒn will be invoked receiving some info

  • onTune(ƒn) to pass a function that will be invoked when tune is called ƒn will be invoked receiving some info

  • onEnd(ƒn) to pass a function that will be called additionally when end will be called; ƒn will be invoked receiving some info

  • onErr(ƒn) to pass a function that will handle any thrown err; ƒn will be invoked receiving the error and some info

some info consists in a object containing:

  • at: the epoch of the event
  • cycle: an integer containing the currect cycle of notification
  • elapsed: the elapsed time (pauses included)
  • effective: the elapsed time (pauses excluded)
  • remaining: the remaining time
  • progress: the progress percentage (float, precision 3)
  • status: the status of the instance among ['init', 'running', 'paused', 'ended', 'error']


a countdown simple tool







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