fontquery is a tool to query fonts in the certain Fedora release.
$ pip3 install fontquery
Or in Fedora,
# dnf install fontquery
$ pip3 install --user build wheel
$ python3 -m build
$ pip3 install --user dist/fontquery*.whl
Or in Fedora,
# dnf install python3-build python3-wheel
$ python3 -m build
$ pip3 install --user dist/fontquery*.whl
usage: fontquery [-h] [-C] [--disable-cache] [-f FILENAME_FORMAT] [-r RELEASE] [-l LANG]
[-m {fcmatch,fclist,json,html}] [-O OUTPUT_DIR] [-t {minimal,extra,all}] [-T TITLE] [-v] [-V]
[args ...]
Query fonts
positional arguments:
args Queries (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C, --clean-cache Clean caches before processing (default: False)
--disable-cache Enforce processing everything even if not updating (default: False)
Output filename format. only take effects with --mode=html (default:
-r RELEASE, --release RELEASE
Release number such as "rawhide" and "39". "local" to query from current environment
instead of images (default: ['local'])
-l LANG, --lang LANG Language list to dump fonts data into JSON (default: None)
-m {fcmatch,fclist,json,html}, --mode {fcmatch,fclist,json,html}
Action to perform for query (default: fcmatch)
-O OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory (default: .)
-t {minimal,extra,all}, --target {minimal,extra,all}
Query fonts from (default: minimal)
-T TITLE, --title TITLE
Page title format. only take effects with --mode=html (default: {platform} {release}:
-v, --verbose Show more detailed logs (default: 0)
-V, --version Show version (default: False)
To query sans-serif for Hindi on Fedora 36,
$ fontquery -r 36 sans-serif:lang=hi
Lohit-Devanagari.ttf: "Lohit Devanagari" "Regular"
To generate JSON from default-fonts installed environment:
$ fontquery -m json -t minimal
To generate html table:
$ fontquery -m json -t minimal | fq2html -o minimal.html -
Or simply
$ fontquery -m html -t minimal -r 40
To check difference between local and reference:
$ fontquery-diff -R text rawhide local
Before committing something into git repository, you may want to do:
$ git config core.hooksPath hooks
to make sure our hook scripts works.