I am a creative and self-starting front-end developer with flexible, reliable, and excellent timekeeping skills, as well as a keen eye for turning designs into dynamic and responsive web apps. I look forward to working in a highly collaborative environment to meet the firm’s objectives while improving my technical skills.
I am currently building with Next JS, and React JS with Typescript. I am adept at styling with vanilla CSS and familiar with Tailwind CSS and CSS Frameworks. I frequently publish articles on the little things I have come to learn on my hashnode blog.
I am open to front-end developer roles and collaborations, learning more, and being mentored.
You can reach me via twitter and mail.
Apart from coding, I like to think I am an exciting person in real life, at least by my own internal scorecard 😁. I am super into sports, athleticism and movies. I like to travel and sightsee. I also like to learn about people, their languages, politics, history and cultures. I kind of like cooking and also trying out new cooking recipes and I love Football Club Barcélona with my whole heart.