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Pharo bindings for Gleam - OpenGL bindings and wrapper for Servo.


EpMonitor current disable.
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'GToolkitGleam';
    repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit-gleam/src';
] ensure: [ EpMonitor current enable ].  

Getting started

Gleam is not responsible for OpenGL context creation. Instead, it is a wrapper that unifies OpenGL and OpenGles APIs. Users are expected to use other libraries to create an OpenGL context and then wrap with Gleam. Let's see an example:

"users creates a context as she wishes"
context := self createContext.
"a context must be valid and be made current"
context makeCurrent.

"Gleam wraps OpenGL functions by loading OpenGL functions by their name"
gl := GtGleamGL loadGl: [ :aSymbol | context getProcAddress: aSymbol ].

"Now we are ready to draw"
gl clear_color: Color red.
gl clear: gl GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT.

"once rendering is completed swap buffers to display on the screen"
context swapBuffers.