- 🤔 My name is Felipe Seolin Bento and I'm brazilian 🇧🇷.
- 🎓 Studying Software Engineering at UTFPR.
- 🍎 Student at Apple Developer Academy - PUCPR.
- 💼 Working as Jr. Full Stack Engineer at Trimble.
- 💡 Learning more about Artificial Intelligence, Software Architecture and Software Testing.
- ✍️ I have skills and interest in graphic design.
- 💻 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Typescript | Node.js | NestJS | Angular
- 🛢 PostgreSQL | Firebase | MySQL | MongoDB
- 🔧 Git | Markdown | Selenium | Jest | SuperTest
- 🖥 Illustrator| Photoshop | CorelDraw | Adobe XD
- 📖 Java | Spring | Groovy | Kafka | AngularJS | Many testing libs