Build customizable Arch Linux images for KVM/QEMU.
WARNING: read the script, improper use might eat your data
Build images (almost) automatically based on an template. It is intended for generating Arch Linux VMs, but might be usefull for other purposes too :) Based on and inspired by Creating Arch Linux disk image.
- Template FS
- Minimize images using zerofree and qcow2 format
- Resize qcow2 images
- Post-install hook
- First-run hook
Caching packages with something like lazymirror speeds up the process a lot!
- Arch Linux
- syslinux
- arch-install-scripts
- zerofree
- qemu
- Copy the example template
- Run archbuild as root (preferrably inside a virgin Archlinux VM)
- Setup VM with resulting image
- Run
- ??
- Modify template
- Stop VM
- Run archbuild
- goto 4