A simple, tiny, compile time-only library for defining an Elixir @type
whose values
are one of a fixed set of options.
There are two ways to use it:
- The
macros, which replaces normal@type
annotations with a nice, concise macro version of the type definition. UnionTypespec.union_type_ast/1
, which produces an AST you canunquote
within the usual@type
Here's what those look like in practice:
defmodule MyModule do
import UnionTypespec, only: [union_type: 1]
@statuses [:read, :unread, :deleted]
union_type status :: @statuses
@permissions [:view, :edit, :admin]
@type permission :: unquote(UnionTypespec.union_type_ast(@permissions))
@spec get_permission() :: permission()
def get_permission, do: Enum.random(@permissions)
@spec get_status() :: status()
def get_status, do: Enum.random(@statuses)
You can install the package from Hex by adding this to your mix.exs
file's dependencies:
def deps do
{:union_typespec, "~> 0.0.4", runtime: false},