Compact light field tomography (CLIP) is a framework for efficient light field imaging using sensors of arbitray formats. This repository contains the core codes and experimental data for demonstrating and reproducing the results in the manuscript 'Compact light field tomography toward versatile three-dimensional vision '.
MATLAB (with 3rd party toolbox BM3D).
CUDA-capable GPU device for acceleration.
Optional : Paraview (for 3D results visualization).
Instructions for running the codes:
CLIP0D_ExpRecon2D.m is the main script for CLIP with 0D sensor reconstruction of 2D refocused images.
CLIP0D_ExpRecon4D.m is the main script for CLIP with 0D sensor reconstruction of 4D light field.
CLIP1D_Recon2D.m is the main script for CLIP with 1D sensor reconstruction of 2D refocused images.
CLIP1D_Recon4D.m is the main script for CLIP with 1D sensor reconstruction of 4D light field.