A web app to manage expenses, based on a course from Udemy (React, Redux, Jest, Enzyme, Firebase, Heroku).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the project:
git clone git@github.com:ferhatsahin/app-expensify.git
cd app-expensify
yarn install
Create 2 real time database projects (one for real data, one for unit tests data).
For each of them, in the rules, paste the rules provided in firebase.database.rules.json
You need to create .env.development
and .env.test
files with your firebase credentials as follows:
// .env.development
Paste the credentials you get when you click on project parameters (the real database project) then add to your web application.
// .env.test
Paste the credentials you get when you click on project parameters (the unit tests database project) then add to your web application.
Never commit these files !
Finally configure rules on your Firebase console as given in firebase.database.rules.json
for the real production database.
Authentication In your dashboard, authentication part, configure a connection mode to allow Google provider.
Create an app in your dashboard account then follow instructions given by Heroku:
heroku git:remote -a <your-heroku-app-name>
To be sure heroku remotes urls are ok:
git remote -v
You'll need environment variables in Heroku with your Firebase credentials:
heroku config:set FIREBASE_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=app-test-name.firebaseapp.com FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL=https://app-test-name.firebaseio.com FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=app-test-name FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET=app-test-name.appspot.com FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXX
You can run heroku config
to check the variables are ok with your own credentials.
yarn dev-server
Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
yarn test
You could also watch tests while you're working:
yarn test -- --watch
All tests are in src/tests
with the same architecture that in src
folders for each file.
It uses Heroku so be sure you're logged in and connect your code to the heroku repo.
yarn deploy
It opens an url like this: https://your-heroku-app-name.herokuapp.com/
Last step: In your firebase dashboard, you need to authorize your heroku app url in authentication > Connection Mode > Allowed Domains : add it and it's ok!