Portfolio CMS is a simple web application that allows you to display and manage your portfolio of products and services, as well as other custom content sections.
- Display sections and posts
- Create new data
- Update data
- Delete data
- Automatic form validation
- Administration (via RailsAdmin)
- Authentication (via Devise)
- Supported ORMs
- ActiveRecord
- Mongoid
You can see an implementation of PortfolioCMS with real data here demo. (Source code.)
$ bundle install
And then run:
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
Start the server:
$ rails server
You should see some sample sections and posts at http://localhost:3000.
and be able to administer your site with usr: admin@example.com , pass: password at http://localhost:3000/admin.
This library aims to support and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby implementations:
- Ruby 1.9.2
- Ruby 1.9.3