Simple matching 'gem' from two source to get the best match based on defined rules
Add this line to application's Gemfile:
gem 'possimatch'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install possimatch
First we need to install the Possimatch into our application.
rails g possimatch:install
It will generates 3 migrations and 1 initializer files
Don't forget to run migrations to get the possimatch tables
rake db:migrate
Next, we need generate the resource for the matchings system. Let's say we want to create matching suggestion from list of customers to list of vendors in company. First we need to create the resources for all companies.
rails g possimatch:resource(class_name, from_class, to_class, group_key)
rails g possimatch:resource company customer vendor company_id
class_name => we use company as our resource
from_class => we want to match from customers data
to_class => to vendors data
group_key => key that belongs to customer and vendor as the group key
It will generate 2 files:
After we get the model PossiCompany, next thing to do is create default resources and default rules in console
rails console
After get into rails console, all we need to do is type these line to create the default resources and it will create the resources into table possi_resources for each companies.
> PossiCompany.create_default_resource
for now, can only match data with type date/decimal
To run the matching system, we need to setup at least 1 rule. for example: we want to match the customer's balance with vendor's balance.
> PossiCompany.create_default_rule('height', 'height', 'decimal', 0)
from_source_field => 'height' field name in customers table
to_source_field => 'height' field name in vendors tables
data_type => 'decimal'
margin => 0 (error margin 0 = must match 100%, 10 = height +- 10)
*add params to delete all possi_matches and start new possi_matches
> PossiResource.start_matching(specific_group_key=nil, insert_into_db=false, start_from_nil=false)
default start_from_nil if false, set it to true
to delete all possi_matches.
don't forget to specify specific_group_key to only delete possi_matches with specific_group_key or let it nil to delete entire possi_matches.
Under construction
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.