Builds for FFmpeg and its supporting libraries.
- static-ffmpeg-gplv3 - a static GPL version 3 build
- static-ffmpeg-minimal - a static minimal FFmpeg build (LGPL)
- libaom
- libaribb24
- libass
- libbluray
- libbrotli
- libdav1d
- libdavs2
- libgme
- libgsm
- libkvazaar
- libmodplug
- libmp3lame
- libmysofa
- libogg
- libopencore-amr
- libopenjpeg
- libopus
- librav1e
- librubberband
- libsamplerate
- libshine
- libspeex
- libsvtav1
- libtheora
- libtwolame
- libuavs3d
- libvidstab
- libvmaf
- libvorbis
- libvpx
- libwebp
- libx264
- libx265
- libxavs2
- libxml2
- libxvid
- libzimg
Runs on amd64, arm64, arm/v7, and arm/v6.
We matrix build on Alpine version and platform. Manifest lists are generated after all of the builds are complete, so that the images can always be referenced by the same tag or digest (instead of one tag/digest per platform).
We utilize the GitHub Actions cache for docker layer caching with mode=max. For this reason, we try to keep the layers small and fast.
We store all of the images publicly in
- wader/bump
- @dependabot
- @wader - orignal author of wader/static-ffmpeg
- @binoculars