Bootstrap Script for migrating existing running systems to Foreman with the Katello plugin
- The goal is to take a RHEL client and get it registered to Foreman This script can take a system that is registered to Spacewalk, Satellite 5, Red Hat Network Classic and get it registered to Foreman & Katello.
- Identify which systems management platform is the system registered to (Classic/Sat5 or None) then perform the following
- Installing subscription-manager and its pre-reqs (updated yum & openssl)
- Make an API call to Katello to create the Foreman Host associated with the user specified Org/Location
- Install the Katello consumer RPM
- Running rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm (with the user provisded activation key) to get product certs on a system
- registering the system to Foreman
- Configuring the system with a proper puppet configuration pointing at Foreman
- Removing/disabling old RHN Classic packages/daemons (rhnsd, osad, etc)
- Make an API call to Foreman to create the Foreman Host associated with the user specified Org/Location
- Install the Katello consumer RPM
- Running subscription-manager (with the user provided activation key) to register the system.
- Configuring the system with a proper puppet configuration pointing at Foreman
- Removing/disabling old RHN Classic packages/daemons (rhnsd, osad, etc)
- The script will use only components that are present on all RHEL installations. We will not install additional packages, other than those explicitly required for Katello management, on the client system. (i.e., I could have used the python-requests module to make the API calls a lot more pleasant, but I couldn't justify the dependencies)
- The system in question has python.
- The administrator can approve puppet certificates if using Puppet. Alternatively, autosigning can be enabled for the system in question. (And be careful, auto-signing isnt one of those things you'd leave enabled forever)
- The Foreman instance is properly prepared and is able to provision systems,
especially the following is true:
- The activation key provides access to a Content View which provides Puppet and other client side tooling.
- The domain of the system is known to Foreman.
- The hostgroup has the "Host Group" and "Operating System" tabs filled out completelly.
- Puppet Enterprise product has been create, with repos synchronized from PE server
- PE repos should follow the naming convention: el7-pe-x86_64
- Puppet Enterprise is configured to for auto-sign and deployment of puppet.conf
- Python2 >= 2.5 or 2.4 with python-simplejson installed
- subscription-manager (if the machine has no previous subscription)
- subscription-manager-migration >= 1.14.2 (if the machine is subscribed to Satellite 5 or Red Hat Classic)
- Hostname of Foreman and/or Capsule host
- username of user with privileges to add new hosts on Foreman via the API
- password of the aforementioned user.
- Location and Organization that the system is to be associated with.
- hostgroup that the client is to be associated with.
- An Activation Key that provides a content view with access to Puppet and other tools
# ./ -l admin \
-s \
-o 'Default Organization' \
-L 'Default Location' \
-g My_Hostgroup \
-a My_Activation_Key
./ -h
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s foreman_fqdn, --server=foreman_fqdn
FQDN of Foreman OR Capsule - omit https://
-l LOGIN, --login=LOGIN
Login user for API Calls
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
Password for specified user. Will prompt if omitted
--legacy-login=LOGIN Login user for Satellite 5 API Calls
Password for specified Satellite 5 user. Will prompt
if omitted
--legacy-purge Purge system from the Legacy environment (e.g. Sat5)
Activation Key to register the system
-P, --skip-puppet Do not install Puppet
--skip-foreman Do not create a Foreman host. Implies --skip-puppet.
Title of the Hostgroup in Foreman that the host is to
be associated with
Title of the Location in Foreman that the host is to
be associated with
Title of the Operating System in Foreman that the host
is to be associated with
Name of the Operating System in Foreman that the host
is to be associated with
-o ORG, --organization=ORG
Name of the Organization in Foreman that the host is
to be associated with
-S ARGS, --subscription-manager-args=ARGS
Which additional arguments shall be passed to
Which additional arguments shall be passed to rhn-
-u, --update Fully Updates the System
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-f, --force Force registration (will erase old katello and puppet
--remove Instead of registring the machine to Foreman remove it
-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
Specify release version
-R, --remove-rhn-packages
Remove old Red Hat Network Packages
--unmanaged Add the server as unmanaged. Useful to skip
provisioning dependencies.
--rex Install Foreman's SSH key for remote execution.
Local user used by Foreman's remote execution feature.
FQDN of PE Server
--is-hypervisor Used if system is a RHEV/RHV hypervisor