slugit is a handy URL based slug generator, try it out:
Seriously, try it out: it out
- It's a simple tool I frequently needed when creating branch names from an issue's title.
For example, imagine you have the following issueMake slugit work offline
, then it's branch name would bemake-slugit-work-offline
. - I also needed a really simple project to learn how a Service Worker functions, so slugit is a PWA (PWA resources list) that actually does work offline.
slugit is what I call a URL based slug generator, you use it by writing the original string in the URL and then the slug is generated. You can copy the slug by clicking it.
There's also a text input if you prefer it and also in case you installed the app and lost the browser's URL bar.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.