A collection of car wallpapers adhering to the Gruvbox colorscheme.
This would not be possible without the wonderfull work by Paulo Pacitti (https://github.com/paulopacitti/gruvbox-factory). He deserves all the credit, all I did was download 1k+ images and run the command lol.
The following racing series are featured in this collection :
World Endurance Championship
World Sportscar Championship
Formula 1
World Rally Championship
GT World Challenge
Can / Am
and possibly more which I forgot lol.
Also, there are general sports cars / oldtimers / supercars present.
Lincence : GPL V2.
Recommend you use something like Variety and put these wallpapers on a rotating basis. Finally, there is both a tool and a set of wallpapers to take your a e s t h e t i c desktop to the next level.
Happy ricing ! :)