JAVA - ANDROID APPLICATION -> i'm working on a Kotlin project now
App summary: users send two images with a description so other users can compare which image they like the most, either the user that sent and the users that vote are anonymous.
Users can log in using Firebase authentication. The images are stored at Firebase Storage. Publication information, like image download URL and description, is stored at a NoSQL database (Cloud Firestore).
- Images are loaded with Glide.
- Scrolling feed is populated via RecyclerView.
- Utility classes to be reused, like RecyclerGridFragment: the activity sends the path of the database to populate the RecyclerView and can choose if it will be a grid view or a linear view, so it can be reused along other functionalites at the app.
Functions still not implemented:
- "Settings" Activity so user can choose which hashtags they are interest to see at main feed.
- Search tool, so user can search a tag they want.
- Comments at each publication.
- Camera so user can send an image right away.
Main feed
New publication
Single publication