I am a student studying Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences at Columbia University in the City of New York. My coursework at CU is Data Science focused and recently revolves around NLP applications on the cryptocurrency market predictions. Professional history is in communications (advertising/marketing) for private and non-governmental organizations, as well as in risk analysis. I am a passionate learner that always makes time for tea and cookies during the day.
Here are some more info about me:
🔭 I’m currently working on my master thesis, using Reddit API to gain insight on the crypto market!
🌱 I like to explore NLP techniques and ML applications in business context.
⛱️ In my free time, I like to go hiking or stay home and read books.
💛 My favorite tea is Harney and Sons Paris black tea.
💬 Feel free to reach out to me with feedback, ideas, just because!
☎️ Best way to reach me: lf2719@columbia.edu
🍵 You know of a project we could work on? Let's grab a tea together!
If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise don't even start. (Ch. Bukowski)