一直觉得 UmiJS 默认支持的 Mock 数据 这个功能挺好用的,那如果项目不是用 UmiJS 创建的呢?所以就想写一个工具来启动 mock 服务。
- 默认根据 mock 文件夹中文件内容来返回接口数据
- 默认接口响应时间为 100 到 300 ms
- 默认所有接口都会成功,这样 mock 文件夹中就只用写希望模拟的请求的数据,比如删除啊编辑啊就不用写了,因为这种一般只关心是否成功
- 使用 Express 来启动一个后端服务,当有请求过来时,就根据 mock 文件夹内容去返回响应数据
- 使用 chokidar 来监听 mock 文件夹变动
- 由于需要考虑接口路径中带参数的场景,可以用 path-to-regexp 来看路径是否匹配
After npm i @findtools/mock-server
, add a script "mock": "mock-server"
to your package.json
, and then npm run mock
to start the mock server. If you want to see all options, run npm run mock -- --help
The server default watches mock
folder. Following is a mock file example. you can use Mock.js to generate random data.
// mock/user.js
const { mock } = require('mockjs')
module.exports = {
'GET /api/current-user': (req, res) => {
username: '@string(6,12)',
You can add a key mock-server
in your package.json
, following is an example. Besides, other options can be configured in package.json
"mock-server": {
"responseHeader": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "content-type,authorization,others-xxx-in-request-header",
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "xxx-in-response-header-need-to-tell-frontend"
For example, mock-server -i **/mock/**/*.generated.js
will ignore all *.generated.js
If you want to ignore more files, configure them in package.json.
"mock-server": {
"ignored": [