0.Lab-5 Data Structures and Algorithms (BITS Pilani)
01.Bubble sort in Linked list and check_sort in Linked list
02.Creating Linked list and inserting element at any given index
03.Insertion Sort
04.Iterative Merge sort
05.Merging two sorted subarrays and store them again in the same Array
06.Merging two sorted Arrays in a single sorted array
07.Implementation of Queue ADT using array ( enqueue , dequeue , front , create , last operations)
08.Implementation of Queue using two stacks
09.Implementation of Recursive Binary search
10.Recursive Merge sort
11.Implementation of Stack ADT ( push . pop , display , create operations )
12.Implementation of Iterative Binary Search
13.Insertion in Circular linked list ( at end , at first , at any index )
14.Insertion in Doubly linked list (at end , at first , at any index )
15.Insertion in circular Doubly linked list (at end , at first , at any index )
16.Merging two sorted Linked lists in a single sorted linked list
17.Merging two unsorted Linked lists in a single sorted linked list
18.Iterative and Recursive methods to measure the size of linked list
19.Iterative and Recursive search methods in Linked list
20.Reversing a singly linked list
21.To check if Linked list is palindrome or not
22.To find nth Node from end in a Linked list
23.Inserting an element in a Max Heap
24.Insertion sort
25.Recursive Quick Sort with last element as pivot
26.Recursive Quick sort with first element as pivot
27.Iterative Quicksort with last element as pivot
28.Hybrid of Insertion sort and Quicksort with explicit stack - Quicksort occurs till Stack size S and then insertion sort works
29.Comparison of Running time between Insertion sort , Quicksort and Hybrid Quicksort with n partitions
30.Sorted Insert in Linked list
31.Modulus Hashing
32.Linear hashing
33.Linear Probing - Hashing collision resolution