ModFusioner is a gradle plugin that allow you to merge multiple mod jars into a single jar. It's intended to be used by multi-loader projects created with Architectury, MultiLoader Template or unimined.
This plugin is based on, and contains code from Forgix, but with massive optimizations, additional features and bug fixes.
To use this plugin inside your project, first you have to add our maven.
To does this, open up settings.gradle and add the following:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Next, in your ROOT build.gradle
plugins {
id "com.hypherionmc.modutils.modfusioner" version "1.0.+"
Finally, add the following to your ROOT build.gradle
fusioner {
packageGroup = // Package group of the merged jar. For example com.mymod.awesome
mergedJarName = "MyModMerged-combo-1.20.2" // The name of the output jar
outputDirectory = "artifacts/fused" // Where the merged jar will be stored. Defaults to artifacts/fused
jarVersion = final_version // The version of the mod/jar
// Forge Project
forge {
projectName = "Forge" // The name of the project that contains the forge code
inputTaskName = "jar" // The name of the build task for the forge project
// OR
// inputFile = "Forge/build/libs/MyMod-1.0.jar" // Use a custom jar input
// Mixin configuration files
// Only required if the plugin doesn't detect it directly
mixin "${mod_id}.mixins.json"
mixin "${mod_id}-forge.mixins.json"
// Packages that need to be relocated to the specific platform
addRelocate "me.hypherionmc.mcdiscordformatter", ""
// NeoForge Project
neoforge {
projectName = "NeoForge" // The name of the project that contains the neoforge code
inputTaskName = "remapJar" // The name of the build task for the neoforge project
// OR
// inputFile = "NeoForge/build/libs/MyMod-NeoForge-1.0.jar" // Use a custom jar input
// Packages that need to be relocated to the specific platform
addRelocate "me.hypherionmc.mcdiscordformatter", ""
// Fabric Project
fabric {
projectName = "Fabric" // The name of the project that contains the fabric code
inputTaskName = "remapJar" // The name of the build task for the fabric project
// OR
// inputFile = "Fabric/build/libs/MyMod-Fabric-1.0.jar" // Use a custom jar input
// Packages that need to be relocated to the specific platform
addRelocate "me.hypherionmc.mcdiscordformatter", ""
// Quilt Project
quilt {
projectName = "Quilt" // The name of the project that contains the quilt code
inputTaskName = "remapJar" // The name of the build task for the quilt project
// OR
// inputFile = "Quilt/build/libs/MyMod-Quilt-1.0.jar" // Use a custom jar input
// Packages that need to be relocated to the specific platform
addRelocate "me.hypherionmc.mcdiscordformatter", ""
// For "custom", the "projectName" is a required value.
custom {
projectName = "sponge" // This is the name of the project. This is a required field.
inputTaskName = "jar" // The name of the build task for the project
// OR
// inputFile = "sponge/build/libs/MyMod-Sponge-1.0.jar" // Use a custom jar input
additionalRelocate "" "" // This is an important one to know. This is how you can remap additional packages such as libraries and stuff.
additionalRelocate "" ""
// Remove duplicate libraries or packages. Useful if you have shaded libraries in your mod
relocateDuplicate "com.hypherionmc.sdlink.shaded"
Most values are optional, so you can only configure what you need. You need at least 2 projects in order for this plugin to work.
For additional help, please visit our Discord Server
Thanks to the Forgix authors for making the original plugin. It's an amazing plugin!
Plugin code is licensed under LGPL-2.1, which is the same as the original code it's based on