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Experiment Leptos

Q: What's it like making a web app with Leptos? A: Pretty freaking sweet ✨ 😎 🚀


  1. Install Rust
  2. Install Just task runner
    brew install just
  3. Run the following to setup wasm dev environment on your local machine
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk

Run locally

Make sure everything above is done first ☝️.

To build and run locally: just or just default.

Check out justfile for common tasks. Tasks are (currently) use Trunk WASM Web Application Bundler.

Some Notes

# this will generate a full leptos instance for ssr, ssg, and csr.
cargo install cargo-leptos
cargo leptos new --git -n project-name

cargo leptos watch
