django-c2dm is a Django module for sending push messages to an Android device using Cloud 2 Device Messaging. It provides a model to store the necessary information required to send a message through C2DM as well as several helper functions.
Using django-c2dm is easy. Add the following line to your file:
C2DM_AUTH_USER = 'email'
C2DM_AUTH_PASSWORD = 'password'
C2DM_AUTH_APP_NAME = 'your app name'
Note: The token ClientLogin sometimes changes, so do not recommend this method.
Where YOUR_PUSH_ACCOUNT_AUTH_TOKEN is the ClientLogin token for your push account.
And then add django_c2dm and celery to your INSTALLED_APPS.
For file, add this code (or similar):
url(r'^c2dm/', include('django_c2dm.urls', namespace='c2dm')),
If you need to log errors or exceptions, add to the file like this code:
LOGGING['loggers']['django.c2dm'] = {
'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'],
'level': 'INFO',
'propagate': True,
You can retrieve the ClientLogin token for your push account via cURL:
curl -X POST -d Email=ACCOUNT -d Passwd=PASSWORD -d accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE -d service=ac2dm
Just replace ACCOUNT and PASSWORD with the relevant information.
Copy everything in the response following Auth= to get your AUTH_TOKEN value.
To send a message to a device call send_message() on the model. send_message() only needs kwargs as a parameter. Use this to populate the data.X fields in your message. These fields will be provided as extras on the intent that the device receives.
You can also set the delay_while_idle parameter to True to enable this feature.
Device registration on the site, in steps:
application logs in to c2dm from google (receive registration_id)
application sends to the server registration_id and device_id
curl -X GET "http://<domain>/<path>/registration?device_id=<dev_id>®istration_id=<reg_id>" # if successful, returns the HTTP response code 200
waiting for confirmation of registration by notification from the server c2dm. You get:
data.registration_token = <token>
confirm receipt of registration information
curl -X GET "http://<domain>/<path>/confirmation?device_id=<dev_id>®istration_token=<reg_token>" # if successful, returns the HTTP response code 200
device_id - Unique ID for the device. Simply used as a default method to specify a device. For example: hash of a phone number, or/and or serial number. The ideal algorithm for this: sha256. The maximum length is 64 bytes, and minimum length is 8 bytes.
registration_id - Result of calling registration intent on the device. Subject to change. The maximum length is 140 bytes and minimum length is 8 bytes.
- Http 400 - invalid data(for example: minimum, maximum, or lack device_id or registration_id or registration_token
- Http 500 - an application error
- Http 501 - attempt to queries by a method other than GET for example, POST