Bean muliplex is a communication protocol developed by Toyota for body control system in passenger cars. Its a single wire 12 volt serial communication. As bean multiplex isn't very common i created bean multiplex interpreter using an Arduino.
Why do this?
The ecu is responsible to feed information to the combination meter, if say the ecu was replaced for an aftermarket unit the temperature gauge will not work.
Here is an example circuits to use for transmit/receive, the MCP2515 module integration can be ignored
To begin work with BeanMPX, download the ZIP file and include it into the Arduino IDE. Next open the example sketch provided.
There is optional parameter which can be set, its the Acknowledge Messages. BeanMPX can send acknowledge response to messages with a particular destination id. With bean.begin() function you can specify which pins to use for rx/tx also you can also set to use timer1(16bit) or timer2(8bit)
bean.ackMsg((const uint8_t[]) {0xFE}, 1); // Acknowledge Messages, Length
bean.begin(8, 9, 0); // rx pin, tx pin, timer (0 or 1);
Bean Multiplex repeated the message 3 times if no acknowledgement was received
Receive message: memcpy into a buffer, 1st item is length of entire message, 2nd item is message type: R/T (Receive/Transmit), followed by entire bean frame.
Sending message, requires Destination id, Message id, and Data. Priority, Message length, CRC, and End of Message bytes will be generated.
bean.sendMsg(engTemp, sizeof(engTemp));