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​DShield monitoring with a Docker ELK stack

Updated version of this is currently being hosted at

Using an ELK(Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana) or Elastic Stack is a great way to get a high level view of what is being seen with your DShield1 honeypot.

For those that don't have a dedicated ELK stack already or are just looking for a way to monitor your honeypot from a separate device (in my case, I didn't want to put more holes in my internal firewall), follow this step-by-step guide to get up and running quickly.

First of we need to get logs from the honeypot configured to use an filebeat, if you want a great guide on collecting all the logs see this diary2 posted on the ISC page.

This is an ELK stack that is setup to monitor logs from a DShield1 honeypot.

It is put together using the Getting started with the Elastic Stack and Docker-Compose3 project and the Install & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs2 diary. The only change is to edit the filebeat.yml to send to the ip address of the device you intend to run Dshield-ELK4 on.

###Usage Dshield-ELK4assumes the following prior to starting:

Steps to configure:

  1. Complete the setup of filebeat Install & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs2 up to the Setup Logstash Collection & Parsing
  2. Install docker [3] on Ubuntu 20.04.6
    • Update repos
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
    • Add Docker’s official GPG key:
    sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    • Use the following command to set up the repository:
    echo \
      "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
      "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    • Update the apt package index:
    sudo apt update
    • Install Docker Engine
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
  3. Clone Dshield-ELK4 to a local directory.
    git clone
  4. Change to to the DShield-ELK directory
    cd DShield-ELK
  5. Change any environment variables in .env
    • Any editor can be used, but recommend using nano if you are not familiar with something else.
    nano .env
    (note the '.' at the front of .env)
    • Recommend changing at least:
      • ELASTIC_PASSWORD is the password that is used for administrative access to both Elastic and Kibana
      • KIBANA_PASSWORD is only used as the internal password for Kibana to communicate to Elastic
    • Optional
      • STACK_VERSION is the version of elastic used in this stack. The build has been tested with 8.8.2 but any version should work
      • DNS_SERVER Is a list of DNS Sever(s) used in the filters. The default setup in each filter is to use what ever dns settings that are defined on the host.If you want to use specific DNS server(s) you need to change the DNS_SERVER variable and un-comment the # nameserver lines in the following files:
        • logstash-200-filter-cowrie.conf: line 115
        • logstash-202-filter-cowrie-sqlite.conf: line 284
        • logstash-300-filter-iptables.conf: line 63
      • Memory Limits are the most memory that docker will allocate for each of the ELK containers. Default to 1073741824 (1GB) but can be expanded if you have the resources
        • ES_MEM_LIMIT: Elastic Memory
        • KB_MEM_LIMIT: Kibana Memory
        • LS_MEM_LIMIT: Logstash memory
  6. Save the .env file to the same location
    • if using nano, ^o and then ^x
  7. Once the project and any setting changes (if applicable) have been completed, it is time to bring up the stack. This will take a few minutes especially if you have not previously pulled the elastic images previously.
    docker compose up -d
    (the -d is optional, but without it, when you close the prompt or stop the command the container will shut down). See Overview of docker compose CLI5 for more information about the docker compose cmd
  8. Open a browser and confirm that the following ports are your host:
    • 5601 : Kibana
    • 9200 : Elastic
      • User: elastic
      • Password: ${ELASTIC_PASSWORD}
      • Since version 8, the connection to ES is secured with a self signed cert, so you will have to use https://localhost:9200. (You might be prompted to use an insecure or self-signed certificate. This is normal)
  9. Logstash will also be running on port 5044
    • 5044 : Logstash
      • This is setup to receive any beats input, but only has filters and output for cowrie* logs from the diary2.
      • Additional filters can be added to the logstash/pipeline directory.
  10. Connect to Kibana on port 5601 (http://localhost:5601 ) using the user elastic and the password {ELASTIC_PASSWORD} from the .env file.
  11. If everything worked, you should be able to open [Logs DShield Sensor] Overview dashboard
  12. Here is a snip of my dashboard over the past 24 hoursSnip of Dashboard
  13. You can change the order of any column, mousing over an item lets you filter in or out that item from the entire dashboard.
  14. Don't forget to look at the raw logs (bottom of the dashboard) for details that might not be parsed into the pretty graphs.

Things to remember:

  • This will only collect logs from the honeypot while it is running
  • Since the honeypot is running filebeat , it will cache logs for a period. When you first start this stack it will take the cached logs from the honeypot as fast as it can ingest them.
  • For more information about the dashboard see the end of the diary2.

Issues and troubleshooting:

  • No logs are showing up in Kibana/Elastic
    • Confirm filebeat is running on the honeypot.
    • Confirm that Logstash is running in the docker container.
    • Confirm that you can connect to port 5044 from the honeypot
    • Look for filebeat errors on the sensor
      • sudo grep filebeat /var/log/syslog|egrep -i 'error|warn'
  • Logstash starts and then dies
    • Look at the logs of the container docker logs dshield-elk-logstash01-1 for errors. The errors I have seen are usually about permissions on the file logstash.yml
  • Docker gives error about not enough permissions
    • Run docker with sudo privileges sudo docker ...
    • Run docker in Rootless mode6


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